I wonder: Is there anything like an essential meaning, supreme goal, or ultimate truth about life itself and our transit through it; hidden or coded somewhere deep inside us, or simply hanging out there, just waiting for us to be clever enough to discover it ?
But then, I think:
1) Perhaps it is only me the one that has yet to find the correct answers, while the vast majority of people -which seems to be quite more sure on their path through life- already got them pretty clarified !
2) Or -on the contrary- is it that they don't even think on such things, so they live in a happy ignorance, which, by addition, gives them such a relative solid appearance ?
3) There is even a third possibility that must be explored... Perhaps it is just not right to have this kind of thoughts, which -I wonder- can even be considered as evidence of some psychiatric pathology ? hmm ... could be.
After such ideas, I started wondering if life should be the act of just hanging around here, and as such, we better don't waste our little precious time in the search of such ghosts as the affortmentioned hidden meanings and goals.
But then I think that we get enough signaling -we don't want to acknowledge this, normally- that things are just not in a plain single way.
I realize that most chances are simply against such a linear world.
Proof of it is that I think that religions are just searching for that kind of answers. Their most notable problem is that they get contaminated on their way to such an answer with almost every bad habit and value that can be found in us: codicy, profit, power, etc.
Now imagine this: You manage to get all the right answers about life, and there is a supreme being up there. He is aware that you just made it, and states: Ok good ! you got it. You correctly assembled the puzzle of life. Now you can come up here. This is the end of your actual material life over earth then. Pretty scary, isn't it ?
Well something like this is included in the spiritist theory of life and reincarnations. Actually, this is a big portion of their truth about the life game.
Each religion searches for enlightenment on this topics. It should be a valid quest to study the basis of the most ancient (and primitive) ones to find all the commonalities between them.You might get an approximation to a probable answer on all this topics, based on the previous experience of mankind. Is there any objective, serious book that studies just this ?
I've got some friends that tried to do such a thing. They peek into the different religions and only grab the parts that are more consistent ... Interesting.
But then, just in order to keep things complicated, I am pretty sure that there are two components involved in this.
One is the general aspect that might be decoded by searching thru the work of other philosophical or religious group, right.
There is a second part that I think is personal and particular for each individual that might be studied alone. Something like "THE" answers, and "MY" answers.
I base this last idea on the truth that each individual is uniquely molded. It's just not right nor natural to pretend that we can all use the same answers due to the extremely wide palette of values in each essential thing that makes us the way we are.
The same question keeps arising once more: Is it valid to have such a pretension ? To try it at least ? Where should we start looking for our own answers ? Well if there are such things, then obvious place to search is in our own interior.
Isn't it just this what those lonely Indian guys do inside the caverns in which they confine themselves ? A hard, lonely search, that must not be interfered by no one else or anything, until they find whatever the are looking for.
This guys tend to forget about their material needs, as they dive into their own minds. It is quite common for them to end up dead of inanition or similar problems. Perhaps this means that they found the answer and they don't care about life anymore, or that the eventual supreme being decided that they made it... and called them up. Hmm .. pretty scary, as I said.
I got a possible solution: We are not perfect. But It might be the search for perfection what moves the people through life (IMHO).
This is accomplished In different ways, even masked through other goals. Some of them pretty similar -like Realization- and others really distorted -like power-. It seems to be the same search of religions, Indians, or even of the scientists -even with the same masking problems, but in a personal level. Interesting too.
The only way to search for perfection might be through the learning of our imperfections.
Can this be achieved ? The material world in which we are immersed, is ruled by such things as the caos theory, which just prevent any approximation to this kind of goals.. I'm quite sure about it. UNLESS the "perfection" concept includes the habiity to cope with all the distortion things that make up our lives.If this is the case, then I wonder when are we going to be able to master such concepts as "randomness" and "caos".
Anyway, we can try to get as close to perfection as we can. But *I think* we must be very conscious that such a thing won't be reached while in this world. And then, the real trick should consist on happily coexist with this last concept.
Whatever, all this is kind of nonsense for sure. You might return to your normal duties. End of transmission :)