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William G. Stephens - Your freedom ends where mine begins. As long as something does not interfere with my freedom, your freedom should exist. You have no greater right to freedom than I do. You have no greater right to life than I do. When you cross that boundary line, you have interfered with my rights.
Read John Lock's "Second Treatises of Government" if you haven't already. It builds the moral foundation for the question of rights and wrongs. You do not have enough time to reinvent the wheel. Learn from the great scholars of years gone by. They had it figured out in their wisdom. We just have to listen to them through their works.
Matt Hedges - It's easy to support banning "illicit material" from the Internet. I am, or should I say attempt to be, a good Christian, and my thought used to be: "Hey, this stuff shouldn't be up where kids can get to it!" So I favored the ban. But then I got to thinking..... "Who enforces the ban... what should be banned? What are the limits to free speech?" These questions and others changed my thoughts and opinion on the subject. I certainly don't want the government or any other agency telling me what I can and can't view.
So, I've taken the side of the 1st Amendment. (As I do in another topic - flag burning, but that's beside the point). Okay the critics will say, "What about the kids?" You know what I say, I say, "What about the parents?" Sure, there are even programs which help keep smut from loading, but the most important aspect should be the guardian's enforcement on THEIR children, instead of the government enforcing THEIR own discipline on Everyone.
William G. Stephens - I am againsts you or anyone else sending anything to me that I don't want to receive. Or have not solicited for. You don't have a right to send me anything be it through the mail, over the electronic mail route, newspaper, etc. unless it is concentual. On the other hand, if I seek out that information that you or anyone else posts, then I have taken the solicitation road to examine that information. But you don't have a right to lay it in my lap. That is my lap, not yours.
Created: 8/1/97
Updated: 8/3/97