An Area in the ImageMap - I

The html file should have the applet tag with the parameter values for the class file


<applet code="zzz" width=520 height = 480>
<param name=pict value="jim.graham.gif">
<param name=area1 value="NameArea,260,180,120,60,Hi!!!">
<param name=area2 value="NameArea,265,125,45,20,That is my right eye">
<param name=area3 value="NameArea,335,130,100,20,Hello ....">

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.util.*;
public class zzz extends Applet
        Image b;
        aaa a[];
        public void init()
        {       a = new aaa[3];
                b = getImage(getDocumentBase(),getParameter("pict"));
                int n = 1;
                String s;
                while (n <= 3)
                {       s=getParameter("area"+n);
                        s = s.substring(8);
                        a[n-1]= new aaa(this , s);
        public void update(Graphics g)
        {       paint(g);
        public void paint(Graphics g)
        {       g.drawImage(b,0,0,this);
                for(int i = a.length; --i >= 0;)
                {       if (a[i].v && !a[i].r)
        public boolean mouseMove(Event e,int x, int y)
        {       for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
                {       if(a[i].inside(x,y))
                                a[i].r = true;
                                a[i].r = false;
                        if(a[i].v != a[i].r)
                return true;
class aaa
{       zzz p;
        int X,Y,W,H;
        boolean r=false,v = false;
        String c;
        Image h;
        public aaa(zzz m, String d)
        {       System.out.println(d);
                StringTokenizer z = new StringTokenizer(d,", ");
                X = Integer.parseInt(z.nextToken());
                Y = Integer.parseInt(z.nextToken());
                W = Integer.parseInt(z.nextToken());
                H = Integer.parseInt(z.nextToken());
                c = z.nextToken("");
                Image o = p.createImage(
                new FilteredImageSource(p.b.getSource(),
                new CropImageFilter(X,Y,W,H)));
                h = p.createImage(new FilteredImageSource(o.getSource(),new rrr()));
        public boolean inside(int x, int y)
        {       if (x >= X && x < (X+W) && y >= Y && y < (Y+H))
                        return true;
                        return false;
        public void setState(Graphics g, boolean l)
        {       if(l)
                {       g.drawImage(h,X,Y,p);
                 v = l;
class rrr extends RGBImageFilter
{       public int filterRGB(int x, int y, int r)
        {       return(r & 0xffffff00);
Try the above code .It has been simplified to understand it better. The expalnation for the program and many more details will be coming up on this page very soon.

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Vijay Mukhi's Computer Institute
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