<applet code="zzz" width=350 height=250></applet>
The import statements for the program codes are
import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*;zzz.java
public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable { Thread a; Image m[] = new Image[10]; int j=0,k=0,x=0; public void init() { for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { m[j] = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "T"+i+".gif"); j++; } a=new Thread(this); a.start(); } public void run() { while (true) { try Thread.sleep(100); catch (InterruptedException e) { break; } x++; if (x >= m.length) x = 0; repaint(); } } public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(m[x], 150, 100, this); showStatus("value of k is " + k++); } }zzz.java
public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable { Thread a; Image m[] = new Image[10]; int j=0,k=0,x=0; public void init() { for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { m[j] = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "T"+i+".gif"); j++; } a=new Thread(this); a.start(); } public void run() { while (true) { try Thread.sleep(100); catch (InterruptedException e) { break; } x++; if (x >= m.length) x = 0; repaint(); } } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(m[x], 150, 100, this); showStatus("value of k is " + k++); } }There is no update function in the above program
public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable { Image b; Thread a; Image m[] = new Image[10]; int j=0,k=0,x=0; public void init() { b=getImage(getDocumentBase(), "borderex1.gif"); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { m[j] = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "T"+i+".gif"); j++; } a=new Thread(this); a.start(); } public void run() { while (true) { try Thread.sleep(100); catch (InterruptedException e) { break; } x++; if (x >= m.length) x = 0; repaint(); } } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(b, 0, 0, this); g.drawImage(m[x], 200, 150, this); showStatus("value of k is " + k++); } }zzz.java
public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable { Image b; Thread a; Image m[] = new Image[10]; int j=0,k=0,x=0; public void init() { b=getImage(getDocumentBase(), "borderex1.gif"); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { m[j] = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "T"+i+".gif"); j++; } a=new Thread(this); a.start(); } public void run() { while (true) { try Thread.sleep(100); catch (InterruptedException e) {break;} x++; if (x >= m.length) x = 0; repaint(); } } public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(b, 0, 0, this); g.drawImage(m[x], 200, 150, this); showStatus("value of k is " + k++); } }zzz.java
public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable { MediaTracker t; Image b; Thread a; Image m[] = new Image[10]; int j=0,k=0,x=0; public void init() { t=new MediaTracker(this); b=getImage(getDocumentBase(), "borderex1.gif"); t.addImage(b,0); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { m[j] = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "T"+i+".gif"); t.addImage(m[j],1); j++; } try { t.waitForID(0); t.waitForID(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } a=new Thread(this); a.start(); } public void run() { while (true) { try Thread.sleep(100); catch (InterruptedException e) { break; } x++; if (x >= m.length) x = 0; repaint(); } } public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(b, 0, 0, this); g.drawImage(m[x], 200, 150, this); showStatus("value of k is " + k++); } }Try the above progam without the update function.
Undertanding the Media Tracker a little more in detail.