The Animal-in-pub Joke Competition!
To enter the competition is simple. Simply write a joke which ends with the punchline:
'And so the bartender says, "Hey! that's not a duck!"'
and mail it to me. The best joke wins. What does it win, you ask? It wins the competition.
Oh all right, the winner gets:-
The joke put on my web site, among the internationally renowned colletcion of animal-in-pub jokes. FULL CREDIT FOR THE JOKE WILL GO TO ITS AUTHOR.
A duck (not a real one, but still yours to keep) which he / she may take to their favourite pub / bar.
A voucher for a pint of beer. Accepted at all pubs.
A great sense of satisfaction at having made the world a happier place for all to live in.
The closing date is 30th June 1998, so get cracking!