Would you like to know about:
Hi,I am from the beautiful state of Kerala in the south of the great Indian subcontinent.I was born in Trivandrum the capital of Kerala.I did my schooling and the bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from Trivandrum.Then I moved to the great Indian city of Madras to join the  Indian Institute of Technology for my masters degree. Destiny has brought me to the USA, to create my own destiny.
the company where I work.
my home state kerala.
IIT Madras.
my institute in Berlin.
what is happening in India.
what is happening in kerala.
the cricketing world.
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My hobbies and interests include fly-fishing, solving algebraic equations, traveling in foreign countries, singing , catching butterflies, building sandcastles, playing online games, building mosaic tables, bowling, fingerpainting, and people-watching.
I have a mom, dad, and two sisters.I am the youngest . I'm also the only boy. My father retired as a senior police officer and my mother is the pro-vice chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi university in  Kerala.Both my sisters are doctors and are married.

Nearly everyone I meet

keedom ...the thugs!!
See my resume
You are my
Franklin Mascarene(father)
Dr.Deepa(older sister)
Dr.Sheeba(younger sister)
Dr.Sam(older brother in law)
Dr.Binu(younger brother in law)
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visitor since

If you would like to share some of my thoughts, browse through the links below. Please don't forget to leave your impressions on my guest book!
My Favorite Poem
Did You Know That....
Redemption of a Dream..
Something you always wanted to know...
Explore the micro world
H1B visa compatible companies
with my friends in IIT Madras
My family On my friends birthday party in Berlin
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At the birtday party of our friend Reddy with my friends biju and sagar in Berlin
In Meisen with our friends from Dresden
Having fun in Amsterdam With my friends before the Eiffel tower
An evening in Paris
on top of the Eiffel tower An evening in Dresden
In the middle of Oxford street, London
KERALA-God's own country
where the season never ends.
At a breakfast table in Leipzig, Germany Near the tower bridge, London
with my friends before the disney village in Paris
      Some memorable moments
      with my friends in Germany