1. Form V Science class.
2. Another page of the class.
3. In one of the class room
4. Another class room.
5. A scene from a picnic
6. Another picnic scene
7. Always out from School class
8. Those who likes to wander at the grave yard.
9. Never get caught when out.
10. Some like to play at a staircase.
11. Some like it here.
12. Those take a job of Saint Peter.
13. A visit to classmate house House.
14. A visit to Shell.
15. Home from Shell Visit.
16. Never play a see-saw
17. Children playing a Slide.
18. One of those Sport meet.
19. Those escape class to GCM swimming pool.
20. Want to have a swim.
21. Preparing for School play.
22. At committe Hall Miri
23. After a School Play
24. Meeting after A school play
25. A gate keeper
26. A school Keeper
27. A nice place in School
28. In one of the class room