By now you've heard of this incredible product. In's been reviewed by C/NET, Computer Shopper, PC Computing, PC World, NetGuied and more!!! It's unanimous...this is the new standart for real time internet access. Now you don't have to be limited by the technology behind the phone can recieve information from the internet quickly, easily and digitally. The Hughes Direct PC has been selling by the thousends and is now more affordable than ever. Here's how it works: You send your requests for data out over your old 28.8 modem. (Remember, data requests are small binary commands that move just fine over standart phone lines.) Then, instead of sending all those graphical home pages and downloads back through 28.8 modem, the informations is shot down to your computer via your DirecPC satellite dish. The result: Now you can tour the Internet at 400kbs...14 times faster than your 28.8 modem running at its fastest. That's it! You've got the information of the Internet without the World Wide Wait. It's easy to install. System Includes: