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CE 160 Project Ideas
Port the Turing Machine simulator from October 2003 to an opensource/freeware compiler.
Port the DFA simulator from October 2003 to an opensource/freeware compiler.
Write a Turing Machine simulator for Turing Machines specified in text files according to the format in "Text File Formats for Representing Automata".
Write a simulator for finite automata specified in text files according to the format in "Text File Formats for Representing Automata".
Write a simulator for pushdown automata specified in text files according to the format in "Text File Formats for Representing Automata".
Use flex and/or bison to write any of the simulators suggested above.
Write an expression parser and evaluator, possibly using flex and/or bison. Write a function that accepts a string containing some mathematical expression in one variable x and produces a tree structure representing the expression. The function returns a pointer to the structure. Write another function, accepting as parameter a pointer to the tree structure returned by the first function, and a floating point number. The function returns the value of the expression evaluated at the floating point number. Demonstrate each function individually and jointly.
Write a program that reads a DFA specified in a text file and produces an equivalent DFA with the minimum no. of states. The output DFA is written to another text file.
Write a program that reads an eNFA and produces and equivalent DFA. Both input and output finite automata are specified in text files.
An RFC to HTML converter using flex and/or bison.
Write a function that reads a boolean expression and produces tree structure representing the boolean expression. The function returns a pointer to the structure. The pointer could be passed to another function which would produce a netlist format for a circuit implementing the boolean expression using NAND gates alone.
Option: do this using flex and/or bison
Write a function that reads a boolean expression and produces tree structure representing the boolean expression. The function returns a pointer to the structure. The pointer could be passed to another function which would produce a netlist format for a circuit implementing the boolean expression using NOR gates alone.
Option: do this using flex and/or bison
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