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I am originally from BALI (Indonesia), born in Denpasar on the 6th of April 1967 where I spent my childhood until completed my high school (from SMA 1 Denpasar) in 1986. I have married with LUH MAS ARIYATI on the 17th of August 1994 and we have one daughter born in Southampton on the 3rd of December 1996 (PUTU AUDRINA UTAMA).

I hold a degree (Ir, equivalent to B.Sc. or B. Eng in UK or USA) in Naval Architecture from the Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding, the Tenth of November Institute of Technology (ITS) at Surabaya (in 1991). I also hold an MSc degree in Maritime Engineering Science from the Department of Ship Science, the University of Southampton, UK (in 1996) where I am now a research student, studying for a higher degree (PhD) in the field of ship resistance particularly for high speed catamarans

I am a lecturer (on-leave) at the Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding (Jurusan Teknik Perkapalan - in Indonesian), ITS. I have been in this post since October 1991.

My research interests include computational fluid dynamics (CFD), ship hydrodynamics, maritime designs and economics, oceanography, marine environment and maritime law. My hobbies include reading books, computing, sport, travelling and photography.

Although not become a member yet, I have a great interest on the two maritime societies, i.e. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) and The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME). It is also worth to have a look on the following site: Maritime Links



[1] Utama, I. K. A. P., An Investigation into Ship Viscous Resistance and Form Factor Effects, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Ship Science, University of Southampton (UK), October 1995.

[2] Molland, A. F. and Utama, I. K. A. P., Wind Tunnel Investigation of a Pair of Ellipsoids in Close Proximity, Ship Science Report No. 98, Department of Ship Science, University of Southampton (UK), April 1997.


[1] Utama, I. K. A. P., Studi Tahanan Kekentalan dan Pengaruh Faktor Bentuk, Jurnal Teknologi Kelautan (in Indonesian), (accepted for publication in Vol. 3)


[1] Couser, P. R., Molland, A. F., Armstrong, N. A. and Utama, I. K. A. P., Calm Water Powering Predictions for High-speed Catamarans, Proceedings, FAST'97, Sydney, 21-23 July 1997.

[2] Utama, I. K. A. P. and Molland, A. F., Wind Tunnel Tests of Twin Ellipsoids Representing a Catamaran, Proceedings, Indonesian Students Scientific Meeting (ISSM) 1997, Wiesbaden (Germany), 2-3 August 1997.


[1] Utama, I. K. A. P., Penyelidikan dan Rekomendasi pada Kecelakaan Kapal Laut, Kompas (9 July 1996).

[2] Utama, I. K. A. P., Tahun Bahari 1996 Menurut Seorang Naval Architect , Suara Pembaruan (3 September 1996).

Address for Correspondence

I can be contacted at the following addresses:

Department of Ship Science, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, England (UK), Tel. 44-1703-596626, Fax. 44-1703-593299, E-mail: ketut@ship.soton.ac.uk [current office address]

Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding, the Tenth of November Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya 60111, Indonesia, Tel. 62-31-5947254, Fax. 62-361-5947254, E-mail: ketut_utama@its.ac.id [permanent office address]

17 Oaklands Way, Bassett, Southampton SO16 7PA, England (UK), Tel. 44-1703-760996 [current home address]

Jalan Hidrodinamika III/No. 6, Keputih-Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia, Tel. 62-31-5999980 [permanent home address]

(c) I.K.A.P. Utama
Last updated: 6 April 1999

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