LBC Loader V0.8

By La Biunda Cyril

(C)opyright 1997 La Biunda Cyril


LBC Loader is a DOS program which permits to classify your MSX programs and to execute them with your DOS fMSX Emulator. All the manipulations are made with a nice graphic interface very easy to use. The MSX programs can be a ROM, MegaROM or a Disk, zipped or not. LBC Loader offers some facilities for the classification of your MSX programs, according to Categorie and Society, and permits an automatic update of your lists of programs with the programs you have installed in your hard disk. So this loader is particulary meant for the people who want to create a collection of their MSX programs (games, demos, disk stations ...).This loader is not a MSX shell, but rather a kind of JukeBox which permits to execute and to classify your MSX programs in your hard disk.

It's a Freeware, in a first time I programmed it for myself, but if some people are interested by this Loader, I would be happy they use it. If you want to write some remarks about it, drop me an email...
La Biunda Cyril

LBC Loader is NOT Public Domain, it is a copyrighted software product and may not be disassembled, reverse engineered or otherwise modified in any way.

LBC Loaders Screens

The Introduction Screen
  • Press ESC to exit from the Loader.
  • Press SPACE BAR to speed up the introduction and to go to the Main Screen.

The Main Screen: The Categories Screen
  • Press ESC to exit from the Loader.
  • Press Up,Down - Page Up,Page Down to select your MSX program in the current category.
  • Press Left-Right to change the current category of program.
  • Press F1-F2 to access to The Attributes Screen.
  • Press F3-F4 to access to The Parameters Screen.
  • Press F5-F6 to access to The Scan Screen.
  • Press F7-F8 to save your modifications.
  • Press Return-Space to execute the selected MSX program.

The Attributes Screen
  • Press TAB to select next attribute.
  • Press ESC to exit and to cancel your modifications.
  • Press F1-F12 to exit and to validate your modifications.
  • When a list is selected (Category or Society).
    • Press Up,Down - Page Up,Page Down to modify the attribute.
    • To modify the list.
      • Press RETURN to modify the selected value in the list.
      • Press INS to insert a new value in the list.
      Press F1-F12 to validate your insertion or modification in the list, or ESC to cancel them.
This screen permits to modify the attributes of the selected Program.
The dimmed fields (Type, Size and Zip) can't be modified, there are automatically updated during the scan of the MSX programs.
The MSX field is used to launch the emulator with the correct MSX version, some others emulator options can be added in the Options Field (-rom, ...).
The Stars Field is your appreciation about the selected MSX program.

The Parameters Screen
  • Press TAB to select the next parameter.
  • Press ESC to exit and to cancel your modifications.
  • Press F1-F12 to exit and to validate your modifications.

The Emulator Program is the executable file of the MSX emulator.
The Emulator Options are options which are valid for all MSX programs. These options can be defined or redefined specialy for a MSX program in the Attribute Screen.
Programs Directory is the directory which contains the tree structure of the MSX programs.
Pkzip Directory is the directory which contains the pkunzip executable file.

The Scan Screen
    Wait, just wait...
This screen permits to update your categories of program with the programs which are installed in the Program Directory.

How to add new MSX programs in your collection

Move your new MSX programs into the Program Directory specified in the Parameters Screen, launch LBC Loader and scan the Program Directory. All the new MSX programs are moved in the tree structure of the MSX Programs in the Society 'Unknown' of the 'New' category.

Be careful

To work fine, the MSX programs that you have installed in the Program Directory must have the extension .rom (for rom or megarom cartridges), .dsk (for disk) or .zip (for the zipped files). The zip files must contain a .rom or .dsk file with the same name of the zip file. By example, the file '' must contain 'program.rom' or 'program.dsk'.
After the scan, if some programs haven't moved in the tree structure of the Program Directory, 2 possibilities can be envisaged:
  1. Your files don't satisfy the previous conditions.
  2. A file with the same name already exists in the Society 'Unknown' of the 'New' category.

Load LBC Loader V0.8 (44 Ko).

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