Autopatch operation involves using a repeater as an interface to a local telephone
exchange. Hams operating mobile or portable stations are able to use the autopatch to
access the telephone system and place a call. Hams use autopatches to report traffic
accidents, fires and other emergencies. There's no way to calculate the value of the
lives and property saved by the intelligent use of autopatch facilities in emergencies. The
public interest has been well served by amateurs with interconnect capabilities. As with any
priviledge, this one can be abused and the penalty for abuse could be the lose of the
priviledge for all amateurs. The suggested guidelines here are based on conventions that
have have been in use for years on a local or regional basis throughout the country. The
ideas they represent have widespread support in the amateur community. Amateurs are urged
to observe these standards carefully so our traditional freedom from government regulation
may be preserved as much as possible.
More information to come....