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The Help File is intended as a beginners guide to HTML using Notepad or WordPad. Sorry, no editors here at all. These files hope to walk people through formatting their own documents. The benefits of learning HTML are numerous:

  • It's easier than you think. There are only a few basic and repetitive commands needed to create a simple document.
  • You, not an editor, have complete control over where your data goes in your documents and how it looks.
  • You are learning a computer language (HTML) perhaps your first and this will possibly open doors to learning others.
  • You no longer have to keep looking for that illusive *better* editor.
  • You no longer have to clutter up your computer with editors.

This homepage will always be a work in progress as is the nature of webpage development. The contents list below briefly explains each section. Please enjoy your visit.


URLs Your address on the World Wide Web
Themes Planning your homepage
Content What should and should not be included in your homepage
Directories Organizing your documents.
Tags Tags are commands used to format HTML documents.
Colors Choosing and inserting colors
Fonts Choosing and inserting fonts
Images Choosing and inserting image files
Links Linking documents
Lists Creating lists.
Tables Simple tables
Frames Formatting simple Framed Documents ?
Borders Formatting simple Bordered Documents ?
Documents Drafting, Previewing, and Saving documents
Exposure Getting the word out about your homepage
Thank You Thank You

Each page has a navigational bar at the bottom for easy browsing. Before leaving the site, please take a moment to rank my website using the GeoGuide at the top of the page and sign my guestbook.
© baN May 1997.


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|URLs| Themes| Content| Directories| Tags|
|Colors| Fonts| Images| Links| Lists| Frames| Borders|
|Tables| Documents| Exposure| Guestbook| Thank You E-Mail|

Graphics by: Dixie and Roxanne