Biological Life Insurance:

TransWeb Image
The most informative and extensive site on the Internet as far as I know.  A great starting point for the newly curious.
American Share Foundation Image
American Share Foundation
A foundation that coordinates organ donation for the United States.  It facilitates the clinical use of transplanable organs
BODY, British Organ Donor Society Symbol
British Organ Donor Society
The British organ donor soiety similar to the American Share Foundation.
EuroTransplant Foundation Symbol
The Eurotransplant Foundation
The European version of organ donar society.
American College of Surgeons SymbolAmerican Society of Transplant Physicians Symbol
American College of Surgeons and
American Society of Transplant Physicians
The primarly societies that accredite and support transplant surgeons respectively.


Transplant Journal Image
Transplantation Journal
An important scientific journal in the transplantation field of medicine available online.

Tissue Banking
BioTrust Symbol
A privately funded for-profit organization that will store your healthy tissue or "surplus" fetal tissue (e.g. unbilical chords) of your offspring.  The samples can be used for cell replacement therapy should you get cancer or some degenerative disease later in life.

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