Discover Magazine article A laymen's article that emphasizes the need for low mass in interstellar travel to Alpha Centauri due to the increase in mass at high velocity based on special relativity.
JPL research An informative summary of many different advanced propulsion systems one of which includes antimater or antiproton propulsion. Not a lot of information here, just outlines and one colorful illustration per propulsion technique.
Space Digest article This seems to be a discussion forum for intelligent novices to discuss topics such as antimatter.
NASA thesaurus This is just a thesarus used by NASA online with very short definitions when provided.
NASA archive on antimatter propulsion Often is slow link. One may have to come back to it a few times to connect like i had to.
discussion forum This is a discussion forum that is very obviously
linked to Star Trek fans which might reduce the credence of the participants.
It is well designed to easily post your own views (and web site URL if
you have one) so the site at least has a good programmer working for them.
A Cold Fusion Primer Here the case for cold fusion is presented clearly and slowly in a long article or primer.
Fusion Accelerators - the Next Generation An impressive article on attempts to surmount the technical obstacles to hot fusion and a proposed plan for better fusion reactors.
The Cold Fusion Times Home Page This newspaper has a great deal of links to other sources of information. What Iwas missing was a concise conceptual explaination of how cold fusion could work. For some reason this link takes a long time to connect to. If your browser "times out" just try again later if you'd like to reach it.
cold fusion information This summary of the 4th Cold Fusion Conference explained the conceptual basis of cold fusion as "excess heat" in ordinary isotopic interactions with a very low probability of occuring (far below 1%). Even if this is quantum mechanically true, it seems hard to envision how this could be a useful source of energy. Hot fusion can easily be seen as a useful source of energy because a controlled small fusion ignition would be self sustaining and not so transitory.
Fusion - Conventional - FAQs An extensive and well organized frequently asked questions file from Ohio State for those who have not been involved in the field. It also has a frequently used terms (FUT) regarding jargon of plasma physics used in fusion research
Fusion - Explaination of the Phenomena A superb and even entertainming, concise explaination of fusion with great, informative color diagrams that can be enlarged if clicked on. There is a fusion Wizard to connect to for further questions as well. An excellent first time introduction.
Fusion FAQs by category Another extensive frequently asked questons databse with a file for every letter of the alphabet... an encyclopedic approach from Oxford University.
Infinite Energy Magazine article A cold fusion magazine that proports to be the Scientific American or Science News equivalent for cold fusion. Offers little more than enticement and an order form to subscribe.
Fusion - Ion Beams An extensive collection of links on the ion beam technologies that heat atoms to energy levels necessary to ignite fusion.
Fusion Research A large collection of links to major fusion research facilites worldwide
Fusion and Plasma Tutorials A sizeable listing of links that can educate one about the palsma and fusion research being done worldwide.
Fusion and Plasma on the Internet A very attractive link site with a large collection of international fusion and plasma research facilities WWW sites grouped by region, 2 newsgroup sites, publication links and a few others.
Fusion Energy Science Home Page The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory's (PPPL) homepage. It has a good overview of updates on both their research and other research around the world as well as explainations for a few FAQs and other links.
Fusion Energy Science Program by DOE Another slow link .Be patient and come back later if necessary.
FusEdWeb The up to date and stylish FAQs from the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab (PPPL). It has lots of great introductory information on fusion.
Fusion Power in the UK Another highly professional intoduction to fusion this time from the United Kingdom of Great Britain with its own collection of links and explaination of their ongoing experiments as well.
Fusion Propulsion Lecture This is a part of a lecture series and is VERY impressive in both its breath and depth of its explaination. It is profuse with diagrams that can be clicked on to print out full size and is a component of a larger lecture series that is likewise available for on-line reading. Very fascinating stuff. It shows historical and futuristic vison and technical knowledge simultaneously.
Fusion Technology Institute
This is an intitute at the Madison UW campus. They show their historical
importance to fusion research graphically in several color illustrations.
There is also a great link to Interlune-1
which describes a project of 2 lunar rovers sent to the Moom surface for
various samplings to analize the regolith and ascertain its potential for
3He in fusion fuel in the future as well as astronomical observations of
young stars and their possible planetary counterparts.
Alternate View column from Science Fiction and Fact Magazine This article shows how the law of causality as rule of physics must be defended in a quantum gravity theory. This defense of causality adds a newly discovered constraint upon what otherwise would allow wormhole transit and reversable time travel in both directions (future and past).
second Alternate View column from Science Fiction and Fact Magazine This is a highly speculative sequel to the first one above. It exlains how the other end of a wormhole sent to Tau Ceti (a promisingly plausibly abode of life) would not take 11.9 years at ~ 99.9% of the speed of light but only 44 days based on the time travel abilities of the wormhole to connect the traveler's time of 44 days with its ability to travel backwards in time. He then tries to explain how the other end of our wormhole could be remotely navigated so as to save the time and trouble of a crew (which I do not necessarily follow) and how unexplained phenomena from Cynus X-3 might indicate such activity going on from that location now.
Wormhole Icarus research Here you will find an extensive coverage of the physics and math involved in wormhole theory. I did not have the time to surf and read through it all but hope to sometime.
The Institute for New Energy This is an organization that seems to be on the edge of the scientific establishment though not necessarily over the edge. Obscure potential energy sources are researched by many of its members and cold fusion and wormholes are amoung the keywords it lists for search engines. Browse here for unusual viewpoints and free thinkers in physical theory.
Wormholes - Subway to the Stars This set of essays discusses the theory of primordial wormholes that were stabalized by a more even distribution of positive and negative matter in the early universe that therefore may still exist. The suggestion is that the so called misssing "dark matter" of the universe could be explained by such wormholes and be detected by distinctive gravitational lense signatures which we should look for. Such an observational discovery would suggest that we do indeed live in a "multiple time coordinate superposition" e.g. a 10 dimensional universe in which various pasts and futures coexist as higher level coordinates beyond 3D space. If so, an advanced civilization later in time coordinates would want to go back to an earlier, warmer, smaller universe's set of time coordinates to avoid a cosmic winter (if we are in an "open universe") or the cosmic collapse (if we are in a "closed universe"). Doppler effect evidence suggests we are definately NOT in a steady-state cosmos whic is the third and only other alternative.
Wormhole Timetravel This is a very short, succint and pleasing description of the wormhole concept and where we are as a civilization in regards to the possibility of their creation and use by amplifying "quantum foam". The quantum foam is compared to connected spacetime bubbles in a curved universe and the air bubbles found in deep sea diving.
The Wormhole The webmaster here says that most of the web site is being revamped so "the Wormhole" is inoperative (not explained but sounds like a science fiction role playing game). Regardless, it has a small selection of links, a recomended books list, a chat line, a pen pal sign up, and a bulletin board so it is a very social site to look at.
Traversable Wormholes Suggests implications of traversable wormholes which are described as NOT allowing time travel but merging various time-frames of us and alien civilizations (assumed to exist) into what he calls "empire time" instead of co-moving time - a very far-flung extrapolation on ideas proposed in other articles on this page of links. He proposes various sociological consequences of these very hypothetical events.
UFOs and the New Physics This article explains wormholes as a plausible way to describe the movement of UFOs by manipulating its spacetime coordinates. (In the beginning of the page he suggests some strange things that may be meant as SciFi. It becomes unclear but I'd try to ignore this.) He later explains that higher dimensional geometry of "imaginary numbers" necessary to calculate Feyman's "sum of histories" calculations may have physical significance as real coordinates in such hyperspatial non-Euclidean geometry schematics.
Wormholes and
Time Machines A nice brief tour of wormholes that explores the notion
that time travel does not violate causality when one considers self-consistent
interactions and neither does it violate free will but merely restricts
it as do other laws of physics.