Recent updates:
(Caution: some updates are made for, but
are not made for !!!)
Programma podstro`nogo perewoda s latinskogo qzyka
dodelana i uve realxno rabotaet (slowarx o`enx mal).
W programmah perewoda s kitajskogo i qponskogo qzykow
nara]@n slowarx (~1600 i ~1000 slow sootwetstwenno).
- sbornik wospominanij ob akad. A.S.Dawydowe;
- teku]aq wersiq programmy poslownogo perewoda
s qzykow, w kotoryh trebuetsq rekonstrukciq slowarnoj formy
(rabota programmy demonstriruetsq na primere iwrita).
Zametno ras[ireny slowari k programmam razbora kitajskoj
i qponskoj pisxmennosti.
Polnostx$ wystawlena kniga W.K.Winni`enko "W$drodvennq
nac$$". Sdelany melkie dopolneniq i obnowleniq (w `astnosti,
dlq programmy razbora kitajskoj ieroglifiki narqdu s
ishodnikom wystawlen \kze[nik).
Posle na`atogo w mae peretasowywaniq fajlow po
katalogam struktura sajta bolee-menee stabilizirowalasx.
Yandex pereindeksirowal sajt primerno `erez mesqc posle
izmeneniq struktury; s Rambler'om, pohove, woznikli problemy
- on, pohove, do sih por nahodit li[x ffajly, ostaw[iesq na
swoih mestah.
Sajt postepenno utra`iwaet originalxnostx i stanowitsq
"kak wse": razrossq razdel ob]estwenno-kulxturnoj tematiki,
poqwilisx ill$stracii, a tam, glqdi[x, dojd@t i do fonowyh
kartinok i frejmow.
Iz obnowlenij istek[ego perioda:
- sozdan razdel "Pro`ee", kuda pome]eny programmy drugih
awtorow, $mor i stihi;
- wystawlena perwaq `astx knigi Winni`enko "W$drodvennq
nac$$" (ne wy`itana posle skanirowaniq);
- na stranice "{edewry iskusstwa reklamy" wystawlena
podborka "Pornografiq - dwigatelx reklamy" (s
Presented are:
- program of enumeration of groups with finite number of
- program of exhaustive questioning of registry of Win95 (in
assembly language);
- my own epistolar works (=diary).
Presented are excerpts from memoirs about
revolution and civil war in Ukraine.
In connection with great number of the presented files
(which makes difficult loading of file manager),
subdirectories are created, and new files are planned to be
placed there.
In the section soc_cult, there are added collection of
anecdotes of Chernoby thematics and some more texts.
In the section soc_cult, more than 20 new
texts are exposed.
Earlier, the site consisted of three sections
- "Natural sciences and programming," ""Language
studies," and "Social and cultural issues." We
split the first section into two ones - "Natural
sciences" and "Programming." For shortage of the
file 'index.html' (as well as for getting
information on the interests of the readers), in
the section "Natural sciences" and "Social and
cultural issues" we retain only three references to
the presented materials in each, and on the fourth
place we stand the reference onto the full list of
the materials of the given section (nauchn.htm and
Earlier, all materials were exposed as
archives of *.zip type, but recently, as an
experiment, it was decided to expose texts as *.htm
(for possibility of search through keywords and
studying the interests of the readers).
Na glawnu$ stranicu
(Planned for exposing as:; .