Useful Procrastination Tools
... or Links we Like
Here are a few of the places that I spend my time surfing ... scary isn't it? Truly ....
Friends' Pages
Heather -
my partner in crime and esteemed sharer of brainwaves.
Genni -
(aka Harley Quinn) - my marvellous insane ex-flatmate (who has a thing for evil clowns)
Wade -
rockin' in North Carolina
Chase -
my youngest brother, he just got his driver's liscence, watch out! :-)
Gina -
studying law at William and Mary at present (how she keeps her sanity is a mystery!!)
Jennifer M.K. -
fellow W&M alum, actor and figure skater par excellence
Cory -
(aka Thorfinna aka Thorf) - being a creative anachronism can be fun!
Dave -
who is darling and rather inseparable from ...
Suzie -
the one, the only, the incomparable!
All Things Insignificant -
a community of loveable loons and their discussions (insignificant or otherwise, decide for thineself)
Justin -
(aka Turturro) a wonderful, charmingly demented film student at the University of Aberystwyth
Assassin - webcomic by Ian (aka Remiel from the BFF board)
USS Boone -
this is the ship my brother Mike is working on right now
The College of William and Mary - Williamsburg, VA
- alma mater, hail!
- Department of Music
- Department of History
University of Leicester Museum Studies Department
Music Sites
Paul McCartney -
official site
Off the Web -
a good compilation of Macca and Beatles news
Ben Folds Five -
news, tour info, video clips and a rockin' bbs for a wonderful band that broke up recently ... sigh ...
Fighting Gravity -
if you haven't heard of them already, you will soon!
AND they hail from my hometown (Richmond, VA)
R.E.M. -
unofficial site with great links and lyrics and suchlike
Pollstar -
great resource for concert dates and venues
The Articles -
my friend Jeff is in this jazz/ska band, check out their page!
Ooberman -
a really kickass British indie band
William and Mary Choir -
a celebration of KWAH love!
Museums and Related
The Metropolitan Museum of Art -
New York, NY
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts -
Richmond, VA
National Gallery of Art -
Washington, D.C.
The British Museum -
London, UK
Maymont -
Richmond, VA
Monticello -
Charlottesville, VA
Colonial Williamsburg -
Williamsburg, VA
Leicester City Museums -
Leicester, UK
Nottingham City Museums and Art Galleries -
Nottingham, UK
Just Plain Fun
The Internet Movie Database (IMDB)
Penny Arcade - the first one's always free ...
Pythonline -
Monty Python's Official Website
Loch Ness Live! -
webcam to look for Nessie! (it COULD happen ...)
The Simpson Archive -
everything you want to know about America's favorite cartoon family
Something Awful -
a glorious site of piety tweaking, frivolous maliciousness and malicious frivolousness
or on to