Refiner's Fire

A brief study of God's Work

The process of a sinner's santification may be illustrated by this description of the copper smelting process. Read the following and see for yourself...

The miner digs the ore from the depths of the earth. The ore is usually low grade and worthless in the original "natural" state.

The first step in the process is a crushing of the material. This takes place in (3) powerful steps: 1) Ore crushed to grapefruit-sized pieces. 2) Then crushed to aggregate-sized pieces. 3) Final crushing reduces the material to a sand-like material.This illustrates the stubborness of the "natural" man and the resistance he has to realizing the need for a saviour.

Then the sandy material is mixed with liquid diesel fuel. This is necessary for the seperation of the rock from the ore. Notice that it is necessary for the smelter to add an external substance (not from man himself) in order for the process to continue. Grace.

Now, air is blown into this slurry mixture. Does this remind one of the Holy Spirit being breathed into the sinner? When this happens, the "wheat" is first seperated from the "chaff", and the ore "clings" to the bubble surfaces caused by the introduction of the air, and the rock sinks to the bottom. This speaks of the heart-felt joy caused by the sudden revelation of Jesus' precious gift and the casting off of the "old man".

Then the daily sin is dealt with in this manner: The diesel fuel/ore mixture is burned twice, each time becoming more and more pure. At this point the molten copper is molded in a usable shape. Sometimes God will require us to face various trials and the "fiery furnace", for experiences such as these produce faith. Notice the copper is usable only at this point.

The copper is then molded into plates for further refinement by an acid bath. The copper plates are put into this bath with stainless steel plates (without spot or blemish!). The copper ions travel thru the acid bath and cling to the stainless plate (Praise God for his Provision!). The copper has translated from one realm to another. Doesn't the rapture of the church and the bodily ressurection come to mind?

Throughout the Bible, refinement of metal is spoken of often. The Lord gave us metallurgy for our use in preparing items necessary for life. The ultimate item for sustaining life is His Son - the Only Refiner of mankind. I recently found out that the refiner knows when His work is complete when he can see his reflection in the molten ore.

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