A private mansion bedroom interior. The most difficult object
in my first scene was the right-wall hanging canopy.
A hall interior of the "Dzherelo" sanatorium. The most significant
pecularity to note is the awkwardness of the Soviet style concrete structure
that was to be renovated.
A still image of the ad video promoting a paid telephone
service-cartomancy. The interior details echo the Egyptian origin of Tarot cards.
An interior of a private apartment.
A bathroom furniture set "Muszla" designed by Entourage
Studio Warsaw, Poland) for the furniture manufacturing firm "Meble Roja"
An exterior view of a store. Quite a good example of how a
cheap material-oriented customer stimulates designers to create a parrot-style finish.
An exterior view of a bank entrance. Another terrible
concrete structure was renovated in order to fulfil the difficult task-to
attach an attractive entrance matching the whole building.