International Phoretics


International Phoretics was founded in 1992 as a private business enterprise for industrial consultancy in the area of robotics and automation with an emphasis on sensors, actuators and smart materials. The name Phoretics is derived from the Greek Phorese - meaning "to move" (which is what actuators do!).


By 1995 International Phoretics had widened its mandate to include technical writing, publishing and internet activities. These activities continue to this day but International Phoretics main interests lie, as ever, in the area of sensors and actuators.


International Phoretics is officially based in the UK (and is subject to UK commercial law) but much of the work is carried out from the German office. From time to time agencies and representatives in other countries are also employed.




Smart materials, systems and structures.

Robotics & Automation

Thinking of buying an industrial robot? 

Inform yourself with a few useful do's and don'ts (before you buy)!

Industrial documentation,

                technical journalism, 

                            translations and reviews.

Technical Writing

Internet Activities

Some of our internet services.

Tel: (49) 941 943 1108

Fax: (49) 941 943 1424


This Website was last updated on: 10.7.2002