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The turn of the millennium brings a multitude of new challenges to the business world, changes which have little to do with the number of digits allocated to a date in any computer program. Competition on the global stage has never been fiercer, but at the same time has never been more feasible. Technological breakthroughs in communications such as the Internet and overnight transportation services to any point on Earth have made world-wide marketing and distribution of products and services a matter of fact, rather than a matter for questioning. Political and economic integration of some regions of the world are aiding in the free flow of commerce across national boundaries. Companies, which have in the past circumscribed their activities to domestic operations, are feeling enormous pressure from competitors to expand overseas. As a result, many companies who wish to venture into foreign markets are initially faced with a myriad of choices to make based on information retrieved from an overwhelming number of Internet sources. The purpose of this Web Site is to provide a "jumping off" point for accumulating Internet-based data in a methodical, efficient, and organized manner.


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Site structure and navigation:    (The Links to these pages are at the top.)
The structure of this site is as follows:
  1. Global Marketing Introduction; the navigation bars at the top of the page give quick access to the following pages.
  2. Country Evaluation; the starting point for collecting general country data, demographical, economic, and cultural information.
  3. Regional Info; contains links to sources of information for Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America.
  4. Export Info; this page gives links to sites that provide potential exporters with information on how to engage in offshore operations.
  5. Virginia Resources; links to sites that provide information to Virginia based exporters and businesses wishing to expand overseas.
  6. Fun Stuff; links to sites that have little or nothing to do with global marketing, (we all have to take a break sometime).

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