Dear Readers, From time to time I wish to send a general message to all of you; yet I do not want to clutter your screen with unwanted material. On thinking about this it occurred to me that others might wish to send messages. Perhaps you have an idea that you would like to propose, but getting it published quickly is impractical. I would reserve the right to accept or not to accept material. But please be aware that I have suffered the sting of having a novel idea, prepared it for publication, being turned down by the next level up because the idea was judged to be "too far out", only to have the idea then published by someone else and accepted by the profession. I hope I am not starting something that might baloon out of control because of my limited time. But let us give it a try,. Please submit your material by e-mail and make it between 100 and 400 words. Sincerely, James Clarke 1