GigaPocket Team Lectures (2nd week – 3rd week)


Client Logic Emergency Line – 8601305


Common Terms Used In A Call Center:

                ASA – average speed of answer

                ATT – average talk time (12 mins., 30 secs.)

                AHT – average handle time

                ABA – abandon rate


Common Acronyms

VAIO – Video / Audio Integrated Operations

DAPC – Direct Accessory and Parts Center

RRC – Regional Repair Center

VGC – VAIO Group Computer

VGN – VAIO Group Notebook

VGX – “The Future of VAIO”

-          X series, slimmest notebook in the world

CLIE – a personal organizer device



  1. PCV, VGC – desktop models
  2. PCG, VGN – notebook models
  3. VCX – experimental models
  4. VGS – an application / software for VAIO
  5. PEG – prefix given to CLIEs
  6. PCGA or PCVA or PEGA – wherein A designates an accessory


Family Series Designation



PCG – unit identifier

                                FXA – family wherein “A” means it contains an AMD chip instead of the usual Intel

                                63 – actual number in the family

                                G – has a GigaPocket software

K – the OS is Windows 2000 (i.e. if P it has Windows XP OS)



                Intel uses Phoenix BIOS

                AMD uses AWARD BIOS

                CTO – configure to order

                BTO – build to order


Monitor Prefixes

  1. CPD – longest running CRT family
  2. HMD – standard, no-frills CRT
  3. GDM – expensive CRT
  4. SDM – SONY LCD monitors
  5. SDMV – usually called Personal Entertainment Displays (PED). Come with S-video, DVI, etc.
  6. /B or /W suffixes – indicates the color of the monitor


Important Websites

  1. – for new and recent SONY products. Usually in the web for 2 ½ months per PC model before being updated
  2. - for older SONY products
  3. – third party site
  4. – third party site
  5. – for PC informations
  6. – best source for info on Windows OS.
  7. – vaio support site


The Four Seasons

  1. Winter – December 21 to March 21*
  2. Spring – March 21 to June 21*
  3. Summer – June 21 to September 21
  4. Fall – September 21 to December 21*



                The * indicates when SONY brings out their products.

                For weather info go to



IMPORTANT SCRIPT (when asked about our location):

                “I work for SONY in a virtual call center centered in Fort Myers, Florida”


IMPORTANT SCRIPT (Standard Opening Greeting):

                “Thank you for calling SONY, this is <rep. name>. May I have your telephone number starting with the area code or an event ID <please – optional>



When looking for model numbers on:

1.        Notebook – lower right hand corner of the LCD, near the power button.

2.        Desktop – either right or left hand on the lower flap, below the power button



                Serial number is located on a white bar code sticker (total of 15 digits), comprising of:

                                P/N: 28xxxxxx or 29xxxxxx (8 digits long)

                                S/N: 3xxxxxx (7 digits long)

                Get all the 15 digits if possible. If the customer can’t give it, type “PENDING”


Acronyms and Definitions:

                UUI – Universal Unit Indicator or Serial Number

                Extended Warranty – also called the Name of Provider of Extended Service


IMPORTANT SCRIPT (Standard Ending Greeting):

                “Let me give you the event ID (reference ID for a phone call) for this call. It is E_____. My representative ID is C_____. Thank you for calling SONY.”





For PRODUCT SAFETY escalation, do the following:

  1. Tell the customer to unplug the unit.
  2. Ask “Are you OK?” or “Are you hurt?”
  3. Ask “Did the unit cause any property damage?”


Important websites that can help when troubleshooting:




The common words to hint that you are in LEGAL ESCALATION are:

  1. “I am going to sue…”
  2. “I want copies of my records…”
  3. “I am a lawyer…”
  4. “My unit is stolen…”


Tips when dealing with a LEGAL ESCALATION:

  1. Remain calm.
  2. Use your best listening and customer satisfaction skills.
  3. Try to diffuse the situation.
  4. If you are going to escalate, verify customer callback information.



PC Rebates



1. Rebates takes 8-10 weeks for processing

2. In order to apply for a rebate, the customer must send in

                - a copy of the proof of purchase (POP)

                - UPC (from the box)

                - rebate coupon

3. SONY does not mail rebates to P.O. Boxes

4. Rebates have timeframe

                - Customers have 30 days from date of purchase to send the rebate

                - Rebate checks are only good for 90 days and cannot be re-issued

5. Rebates are non-transferable

6. Has to be purchased within rebate timeframe

7. One rebate per household



Step 1: What is the rebate for?

                - model

                - $$ amount

                When did the customer purchase the unit?

                - unit info

                When did the customer send in the rebate documents?

                What did the customer send in?

Step 2: Click <promotions> "IT promotions and rebate info"

                - research the rebate

Step 3: Solve customer issue OR check to see if they have called the rebate house number

                - get number from rebate coupon

Step 4: Research further

                - use KANA to check rebate status

                                ( or

                - document all your findings on the KANA documentation area

Step 5: IF (and only if) the customer has already called the rebate house and has come back to us

                (customer is getting the run around)

                - exit KANA, click <resolved-unconfirmed>

- click <file management> subtype <promo/support ZPRO> detail <promotion (rebate)

- fill out the template provided

- leave the event/action active and assign to ZPRO





NOTE: If a customer loses their POP, they can return to the dealer to get another one


Good                                                      vs                                                            Bad

"Official Receipt"                                                                 - credit card statements

- printed                                                                                                 - checking / bank statement

- vendor                                                                                                 - handwritten

- $ price $

- condition of sale

                - open box

                - display

                - as is

- model number, serial number


POP Request in CS3

1. Click <file management>, subtype <POP Request>, detail <none>

    Description:      1) Give customer fax number (239-768-7816) Note: memorize the number

                                2) Told the customer to fax a copy of the POP

                                3) Gave event ID


NOTE: when faxing, tell the customer

                - put event ID in the center, away from the edges

                - no cover sheet


2. Assign your action to ZPOP


NOTE: How do i know a POP is on file?

                1) Unit Information (box is checked)

                                - Bill of Sale / Document Received

                                - Date of Purchase is solid / confirmed

                2) Events

                                - POP Electronic


NOTE: anything you buy from Ebay is out of warranty



                1. Playstations - give customer the 800 number

                2. U.S. Peripherals - give them an 800 number, no technical support

                3. PCGA - support

                4. TV - support



VAIO - 1year / 12 months / 365 days

Batteries - 30 days

Notebook Accessories - 1 year (AC Adapters, etc.)

Refurbished Units - 90 days

Repair - 90 days









1. SonyStyle          - buy your unit from SonyStyle

                                - purchase extended warranty at the same time (buy it on the 1st day)

                                - customer receives:

                                                - free tech support (for an extra year)

                                                - free repair (for an extra year)

                                - supported by us


2. Sony Branded Extended Warranty Program

                - open to all VAIO owners who are still in the 1st year of warranty

                - extends the actual warranty 3, 5, 7 years of warranty

                - handled by a different 3rd party group called AION

                - to buy the extended warranty - 1-800-747-1170

                - all repair and support - 1-800-366-4918


3. 3rd Party Extended Warranty (Best Buy, Circuit City, etc.)

                - extended warranty bought from other vendors

                - repair is covered, phone tech support is not

                - $19.95 charge for phone tech support

                - if repair, refer the customer to their extended warranty provider



Two Ways for PFS (Cost: $19.95)                                  

                1. Credit Card                        - MAXX, Agent                                  

                2. 900# (Phone Line)            - MAXX / Agent


Per Incident Basis

- one event ($19.95)

                - different event, different charge

                - same event, no charge

- credit card (same call) no matter how long it is, still one event

- 900# call              - 1 call = 1 issue

                                - 2 calls = 2 issues

- call 800# for credit, if a customer asks for credit



12 months of MARKET DATE (i.e. 6/15/2004 - 6/15/2005)

                - if in market date, the unit will be in warranty

                - POP is required if unit was bought in between market date,

                  then it would still be in 1 year warranty


Not Charged:

1. existing (or same) event and it has already been charged

2. pre-sales info

3. repair setup

      - the customer does not want troubleshooting, only where to send the unit for repair


Tools for PFS

- CS3

- mainframe



User ---> Greeting ---> Phone Number / Account / Registration --->

Model (Unit Info) is the user within 12 months? ---> (Yes) ---> No Charge

                                                                                        ---> (No) ---> Discuss PFS


Discuss PFS (12 months, within market date):

1. charge ---> credit card

                - MAXX

                - agent

                                ---> phone number ---> pull out account ---> market date ---> did MAXX charge?                  (shows up in the blank)      ----> NO? (MAXX didn't charge) ---> charge

                                                                ----> YES? (MAXX charged) ---> see 1st event (look at date                                                                            & time stamp) ---> find MAXX PFS event and double                                                                           click it ---> find model drop down (top) ---> select a                                                                        model ---> assign event to yourself ---> type event                                                                       description

2. charge phone bill 900#

3. referral to websites

4. hang up

5. fax POP / call back

6. pay now / fax POP - credit back once the POP is verified


Pay for Support Process:

Option 1: CS3 ---> pull up account ---> market date ---> out of market date ---> read sscript ---> CC $19.95 ---> document issue (event description) ---> process charge  (click <action main>; choose type <free based support>; subtype <per incident>; detail <blank>) ---> click <fbs< charge> button ---> capture ---> CC# ---> exp. date ---> type of unit ---> click <OK>


Option 2: Description: gave cust event id// told cust to write it in the center top//gave cus the fax number// cust will call back after pop is verified for support// sb07


Option 3: Description: gave cust event id// told cust to write it in the center top//gave cus the fax number// cust will fax in the POP to verify the warranty issue// ZPOP


Option 4: Refusal ---> click < action maintenance> ---> choose type <fee based supportt>; subtype <per incident>; detail <refused>; description: cust will call 900#// cust does not have cc// sb07 {cc = credit card} ---> complete action

                ---> (i) cust will call the 900 number// cust stated that he does not have a credit card// gave                cust 900 number// sb07

                ---> (ii) cust will call 900 number// gave 900 FBS number// cust does not have credit card     and will bill his phone bill// sb07


Option 5: Referral ---> click <customer management> ---> choose <correct> ---> tyype <customer management>; subtype <referral>; detail <depends on situation> ---> action description: reason for refusal// sb07 ---> complete the action


To document a 900 call:

1. your phone will indicate that you have a 900 call

2. pull up the customer's account

3. capture the event description

4. click <action maintenance>

5. choose the correct

                T             Fee Based Support

                ST           900 Srv. Flat Rate

                D             Charge


Sir Keith Gilderhus (Director of Operations - SONY)


NOTE: In conversing

                - converse

                - listen

                - repeat


To charge a customer without the mainframe:

                - mainframe is down

                - mainframe is giving errors


Charge the customer ---> click <action maintenance> --->

                T             Fee Based Support

                ST           Per Incident


                (PBS button is not working)

Description: customer's cc# / expiration date ---> status to "requested" --->

assign action ZCHG ---> click <OK>



   situation ---> Kana states "there is no resolution at this time"

   you may promise a credit

   you have already charged the customer (beginning of the call)

   ACTION --->      T             Fee Based Support

                                ST           Per Incident


   Description: why credit?

   Assign the action to ZCRD


Credit Card - ZCRD

Phone Bill - 1-800-782-8845






1. click <action maintenance>

                type: fee based support

                subtype: per incident


                status: requested

credit card number, date

type cust details

                assign action to ZCHG


2. click <file management>

                type: file management

                subtype: pop request


                status: requested

request pop

credit the cust

type cust details if pop is sent

                assign action to zpop


3. troubleshoot

                type: troubleshoot

                subtype: depends on product


                status: completed

answer questions (launch kana)


4. click <action maintenance>

                type: repair service

                subtype: box order

                detail: product

                status: requested

answer questions

                assign action to zpop




TO ORDER A BOX ORDER FOR IN WARRANTY (less than 12 months)


<action maintenance> button

                type: repair service

                subtype: box order

                detail: product name

answer questions template

                status: requested

                assign action to ZFIX

                create work order




1. <file management> button

                type: file management

                subtype: pop request

                assign action to zpop

fill up details

                status: completed


2. create box order

                <action maintenance> button

                                type: repair service

                                subtype:box order

                                detail: product

                                status: requested

answer template

                                assign action to ZPOP












1. click <action maintenance> button

                document the 900 call

                type: free based support

                subtype: 900 srvc flat rate

                detail: charge

                status: completed


2. click <troubleshoot> button

                type: troubleshoot

                subtype: product

                detail: blank

                status: completed


launch kana, document the problem, read disclaimer to customer, if service is needed click <repair> button then press <go>. click <ok> to close the troubleshooting window


read tier pricing structures to the customer. (in sony policies in procedures - oow service)


click <price calculator>



                location: san diego

                class code: basic

                in code: ship in

                out code: ship out

                warranty status: out of warranty

click ok


read shipping / handling disclaimer or advice the customer





1) create <work order> by clicking <work order>

                type: repair / service

                subtype: initiate repair

                detail: fs2 / san diego

complete template

                status: completed

click create work order


2) create work order (valid for 30 days)

                location: san diego rrc

                user code: rep id

                class code: end user

                warranty status: oow

                problem: specify

                ask for cc # if oow

                click done

                event: resolved - unconfirmed


Parts Dept. WRPC

                resolution code: 1 - HW

                                                2 - sony

                                                3 - disk drive

                click ok





SSC ---> read 3 tier system ---> price calculator ---> read disclaimer ---> shipping and handling ---> create a work order





Parts of the phone


Auto In - ready for a call.

                - tells the que that you're available / ready to take calls


ACW -  after call work. For finishing documentation, for queuing (30 seconds). Puts customer on                  hold. Logging in / out.

                - after call work. The ACW for this campaign is 30 seconds or less. You can press ACW at anytime during the phone call. It will not affect the customer. ACW takes you out of the call que and gives you time to catch up with documentation, etc. ACW should be used sparingly.


Aux Work 6 Training - used to take the agent out the call circulation- agents can only use this button when requested from a coach or trainer



Aux Work 7 Meeting - used to take the agent out the call circulation - agents can only use this button when requested from a coach or trainer


Headset - should be turned on

                                - used to specify that you are going to use a headset to take calls. please make sure that your phone is in headset mode before pressing auto-in. if not, you will hear nothing through your headset.


Release - do not hang-up the phone. Reps dont use this.

                                - used to hang up the phone. you are not allowed to use this button (with very few exceptions) line1 - this is your primary line - your phone call will appear on this line. when you have a phone call, the light next to this button will be green.


Timer     - good tool to use when to display counter.



Line 1 - This is your primary line - your phone call will appear on this line. When you have a phone call, the light next to this button will be green.


Line 2 - This is your secondary line. Helpful when you need to transfer the call.


Line 3 - Auxilliary line


Aux Work 2 Short Break - this is used for you 15 minute break. It can be pressed at any time during the phone call. When the call finishes, you will immediately go on break.


Aux Work 4 Lunch - used for your hour lunch. You should press ACW first - to avoid a phone call and then lunch.


Aux Work 5 Email - we do not use this button


Login - the button that logs the agent into the phone.


To login to your phone -

* Press log-in

* Enter your log-in code

* Press auto-in


PLEASE REMEMBER - logging into your phone should be the LAST step before taking calls.


Logout - This button designates that its the end of your shift. On your last call, make sure to press ACW. This will make sure that you do not get another call - and then press Logout.





Speaker - puts your phone on speakerphone


Mute - mutes the line


Hold (the red button) - puts the customer on hold. Hold time for this campaign is 2 minutes. Use the timer to insure that you do not go over. When you put a customer on hold - line 1 will flash. To pick a customer back up - press the flashing line 1 button again.


Redial - not used on this campaign


Transfer - puts line one on hold, and then opens line 2 for the agent to dial the transfer number.


Conference - not used on this campaign




Transfer-Escalation to Buffalo or Sony


To transfer a call -

--->          Introduce the transfer to the customer - "Ms/Mr ______, I will need transfer you for further                support. Your Event ID is _____. My rep ID is _____. Thank you for calling Sony."

--->          All documentation must be completed before transferring the phone call.

--->          Press the transfer button on the phone. This will put the customer on hold, and open up a                 free line for you

--->          Dial the transfer number - BUFFALO 18139 SONY 18140

--->          If to Sony - slect the correct prompt (product)

--->          Wait 20 seconds to see if someone will pick up

--->          If no one picks up - press the transfer again to put the customer in the call queue -               PRODUCT SAFETY CALLS YOU MUST STAYON THE LINE

--->          If someone picks up -

--->          Introduce yourself - "Hi, this is _____ from another Sony location. I have an event for you                E_____

--->          Brief the agent on the situation at hand

--->          Ask the rep for their rep ID - You will assign the event over to them

--->          Wait for permission to transfer

--->          Transfer the call - press transfer


Mute and Hold


Mute is to be used:

- any time under 10 seconds

- for coughing, clearing your throat, etc....


Mute is not to be used:

- to swear at the customer

- instead of hold

- when you are sitting with the customer on the line


Hold is to be used:

- when you need to leave your seat to research a customer's issue or ask a question

- do not use hold when you are at your desk

- please give the customer a reason for holding

- please ask the customer if they mind holding

- please thank the customer when you have taken them off hold

- hold time is 2 minutes - if you need more time. please re-address the customer, " Mr/Ms ______, i am currently researching your issue, do you mind waiting on hold for one more moment?"



Sample documentations in KANA:

cust insists on talking to mr. smith// attempted without sucess to troubleshoot// cust states that they have performed multiple troubleshooting steps// recovery// repeat repair// cust insists on escalation// permission to escalate// sb07


cust insists on talking to mr. smith ext. 1234// cust will not talk to me// permission granted by COX1// sb07


cust insists on talking to ms. tredeski// had unit repaired at circuit city 7 times// unit came back broken on all 7 times// circuit city gave cust this contact name and extension and informed him to call us// cust does not want to talk and very upset// cust wants to talk to ms. tredeski only// permission to escalate// sb07


cust insists on talking to ms. tredeski only ext. 1489// cust will not talk to me// permission granted by COX1// sb07  


cust. states <bottom of notebook is melted>// told cust. to unplug unit// cust. is ok// cust. states <plastic has melted unto my table>// escalating for product safety// permission granted by COX1// sb07


cust. states that <last week his unit began to spark and caught his drapes on fire>// told cust. to unplug unit// cust. is ok with no physical damage// cust. is calling us now just to let us know// escalating for product safety// permission granted by COX1// sb07  


cust. states that <my pc is emitting some sort of burning electrical smell>// he stated <it started yesterday after his dog decided to use it as a bathroom>// cust says he is ok// cust. says there was no property damage// escalating for product safety// permission granted by COX1// sb07


cust has modem connectivity issues// cust says modem is detected// ask cust to uninstall modem then reboot// ask cust to check if phone jack connected properly// try different access number on isp// reinstall modem driver// check if dial-up networking installed and configured properly// set modem baud rate not too high// verify the computer is configured for tone dialing// remove all third-party hardware// verify Tel line from wall is connected to the line port on the modem// verify phone line additional features if disabled// determine modem whether the area code is required// disable the wait for dial tone feature// verify if tel jack being used may have unacceptable line noise// cust need to perform system restore when the modem was functioning correctly and/or perform a format and recovery of the hard drive//


told cust possible risk of data loss// cust has norton antivirus// attempted to clean and restore system with antivirus software// system hangs up and will not proceed with cleaning// cust need to repartition and restore hard disk// permission to escalate by cox1// sbny07


cust cant install office 2k on winxp// winxp disc needed// cust has no winxp disc// cust recovery disc dont work// cust need to edit 2 registry keys// permission to escalate by cox1// sbny07