Montana Missle Complex Deck

Seed Deck
        Alternate Universe Door
        Space-Time Portal
        Spacedoor (during Facility Phase)
        Espionage Mission
        Collect Sample
        Expose Covert Supply
        Cloaked Mission
        Pegasus Seach
        Aphasia Device
        Altonian Brain Teaser
        Balencing Act
        Borg Ship
        Dead End
        In The Pale Moonlight
        Lack of Preperation
        Primative Culture
        Scientific Method
        Security Precautions
        Wind Dancer
        Hide and Seek x2
        Hiipocratic Oath x2
        Tarellian Plague Ship x2
        Unscientific Method x2
        HQ: Secure Homeworld
        Examine Singularity
        Engage Cloak
        Operate Wormhole Relays
        Office of the Procounsel
        Continuing Comittee
        Romulan Outpost
Draw Deck
        The Big Picture
        Revolving Door
        Kivas Fajo- Collector x2
        Red Alert! x2
        The Traveler: Transcendence x2
        Espionage: Romulan on Federation
        Temperal Wake x2
        Wormhole x5
        Rouge Borg Mercinaries x5
        Crosis x2
    Personal- Non Alinged
        The Albino
        Roga Danar
    Personal- Romulan
        Dr. Telek R'Mor
        Senator Vreenek
        Sisters of Duras
        Major Rakal
        LaForge Impersonator
    Ships- Romulan
        D'Derdix Advanced
        Science Vessel
    Time Location
        Montana Missle Complex
    From Outside the Game

Stratagy- After wirtting an article on Montana Missle Complex I realized that I wanted to try a deck that got someone to be a permament resident of 2063 Earth. So, let me go over phase by phase how to play this deck. First, during the seed phase, you place the secure homeworld and the two headquarters on Romulous. This gives away it's not a Borg deck, but the dilemmas are already seeded. So, you continue to play personal normally. Once you get the Apnex, and a complement of Rouge Borg (at least 3) send the Apnex and one crew member after the opponent's main ship (I'd suggest Phasing Cloaking to get Range 11). What else you can do is cloak it and place it under Engage Cloak (if you need to wait for cards, etc) and 11+ RANGE each turn. An alternative would be to download the science vessel with Spacedoor and use that, minus the engage cloak. This usually works much faster. However, keep in mind that you want a vast majority of their crew on the ship before you wormhome back in time, so waiting for the Apnex, and getting there quicker might be a better stratagy. Keep on Rouge Borging your opponent until the Apnex arrives, make sure you have at least one RBM left to play next turn. Your opponent gets an action, then RBM them. Your next turn, play a card(s) normally, then reveal Examine Singularity to download Temperal Wake. Once you have temperal Wake "begin to move" the Apnex. Send yourself using Wormholes to 2063 Earth and play Wake to make them com along. Then use another set of Wormholes to get the Apnex out of there. If needed, repeat. With them being permament residents you're free to do whatever you want in the Alpha Quadrent. And in case your opponent trys to pull something with Wormholes on you, reveal the Relays yourself, move out of there, and then place them out-of-play. You have just enough Wormholes in the deck to go there, come back, and go again, using your Space-Time Portal.

Read the article that inspired the deck.

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