The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.    (Psalm 19:1)

The farther we look out from our world, and the closer we look into our world, the psalmist's words ring true. Archeology and the fossil record add to, not take away from, the credibility of God's Word, The Holy Bible!

When Charles Darwin discovered "the simple cell," scientists quickly calculated, based on established laws of probability, how long it would take for random chemical events to duplicate this living cell. The age of the earth was based on the time needed for this to occur. As more was learned about the living cell's complexity, this "age of the earth" had to be increased.

The continued existence (the reproduction) of a cell requires both DNA (the "plan") and RNA (the "copy mechanism"), both of which are tremendously complex. How reasonable is it to believe that these two co-dependent necessities came into existence by chance at exactly the same time? Which came first, DNA or the proteins needed by DNA--which can only be produced by DNA?

The process of photosynthesis in plants is very complex. How could the first plant survive unless it already possessed this remarkable capability? There are many examples of plants and animals which have a "symbiotic" relationship (they need each other to survive). How can evolution explain this?

All this points to "intelligent design." A creator is the only answer to these puzzling questions. Those who would deny this say that creationists' claims are based on faith. I say it takes infinitely more faith to believe in evolution, which is not backed by a shred of fossil evidence. Yet this same fossil and archeological evidence have not discredited a single item found in the Bible.

For more on this subject, and a far better explaination than my limited scientific knowledge can muster, please refer to "Center For Scientific Creation" link in the directory of related links.

God, the supreme creator of "all that there is" is a loving and compassionate God. He desires for mankind, whom He created in His own image, to prosper and rejoice in happiness. Because sin destroys prosperity and happiness, God uses whatever it takes to steer us away from sin, including painful experiences in our lives.

If you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ - God incarnate, creator and redeemer, please read the "Friends . . ." article.


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