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Flash 4: introduction to scripting
part 1: the basics
part 2: simple snap to grid sample
part 3: using key events

Flash: toggle button menu

Flash: playing subsequent movies using LoadMovie (a suggestion)

Flash 4: panorama sample

Flash 4: Advanced Buttons Library
complex LoadMovie sample using pull down boxes and targeting scenes on higher levels
basic understanding of the ScrollBar button

Flash 4 detection: refer users without plugin or activeX to an analternative page

Flash MX FTree sample: Sample of binding database style XML to the Flash FTree component.

Flash MX FTree with custom expanders: Sample of using custom movieclips for the FTree expander symbols (+ and - signs).

Interview: Building a Flash Client for Web Services: using Flash MX and ASP.NET

Flash / Director: launching external applications using a batch file (Win only)

Director: using hyperlinkstyles on text members

Director: check if projector is on CD or on harddrive

Dreamweaver: using cyrilic, greek etc. text


because of capacity reasons i provide most samples only as zip file. mac users who don't have ZipIt yet can get it from http://www.maczipit.com/

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