Resume for

Dylan J. Fahey

Cell Contact (530) 310-0000

Present Location: Northern California, Land of the Free

RETIRED due to disability, Motorcycle accident

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QUALIFICATION SUMMARY: Seventeen years of increasing responsibility and leadership in computer networked systems operations, management, and maintenance, to include telecommunications systems operations and maintenance. Six years of personnel experience. Top secret clearance held since 1985. Desired locations: California. Desired Salary: Whatever you would pay your best friend, should I deserve no less?

AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Network Design, Network Management, Router Configuration, Teamwork, Cost Control, Customer Satisfaction

Professional Experience

Jan 2000 to November 2002, Ft Bragg NC, U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC)via Ciber Inc contract

Network Analyst: Manage and document leased frame network encompassing 26 CONUS locations.

May 1999 to Nov 1999, R.T.P., NC area, for large international financial corporation.

Senior Network Analyst: Team Player in the deployment, management and maintenance of a worldwide frame relay network.

April 1997 to November 1998, Headquarters (HQ), Standard Systems Group (SSG), Gunter Annex AL

Metropolitan Area Network Manager: Responsible for the proper operation, management, and maintenance of the HQ SSG routed/switched network and infrastructure communications. Designs, tests, and implements new technologies to the HQ SSG network.

May 1993 to April 1997, 27th Communications Squadron (CS), Cannon AFB NM

Senior Network Analyst: Responsible for the proper operation, management, and maintenance of the 27th Fighter Wing router network and long haul communications.

April 1991 to May 1993, 27th CS, Cannon AFB NM

NCOIC, Base Central Test Facility: Responsible for the management, maintenance, and operation of all long-haul communications for the 27th Fighter Wing.

October 1989 to April 1991, 1961st Communications Group, OL-D, Camp O�Donnell High Frequency (HF)Transmitter Station, Philippines

NCOIC, Systems Control Facility: Responsible for the management and operation of communication systems for Air Force HF Transmitter Site.

May 1979 to October 1989, Various worldwide Air Force assignments

Personnel Administration and Tactical Communications Systems: Responsible for all phases of personnel administrative procedures. Also responsible for deployment of large scale tactical telecommunications systems to various undesirable overseas locations

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Equipment and Software Experience


Routers: Cisco 2500 series/Cisco 4000 series/Cisco 7500 series, and AGS+

Switches: Cisco Catalyst 1900, 2900, and 5000 series, Cabletron MMAC, SynOptics 3000

Hubs: Cabletron, SynOptics, 3Com

Media: Fiber (MM&SM) 10mbs to 200mbs, UTP (cat 3&5) EIA 568B, Thinnet (10b2), Synchronous 9.6Kbs through 45.736Mbs (DS-3), 310 patch panels, 110 patch panels, RJ-11/RJ-45, BNC, ST/SC/SMA, EIA/TIA-232/ITU V.35/DB-25/DB-9/EIA-422, FDDI

Test Equipment: Firebird6000, Pentascanner, NCC 7000 Network Probe, Network Analyzers, Analog Frequency Analyzers

Computers/Systems: HP B2000,715/750/755, AT&T 3B2, x86 architecture, RISC architecture, N.E.T. IDNX-70 Multiplexers, ADNX-48 Multiplexers, MSL-100 Switches, DS-1/DS-3 Channel Banks, 56Kbs through 2.048Mbs CSU/DSUs, Shiva RAS, Multiplexers, Modems, Desktops, EIDE/SCSI Hard Drives, CDROMs, Facsimile, Satellite, Wideband, Narrowband, Crypto, LOS MicroWave, Tropospheric Scatter, HF, SHF

Software/Operating Systems/Protocols

Software: : HP OpenView Network Node Manager 6.2, CiscoWorks and CiscoView, MS-Office 2000, OpenOffice 1.0.1, Netscape 4.76, Mosaic, Internet Explorer 6.0, Visio 4.5 Professional, Newbridge Node Manager

Operating Systems/Environments: Windows98/95/3.1, Linux 2.4 kernal (various flavors), UNIX, HP-UX 11.00, Solaris 2.5, X11R6 X-Windows 4.2, Motif, Common Desktop Environment (CDE), Domain Name Service (DNS) Servers, Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) Servers, Remote Access Servers (RAS)


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Military and Civilian Education

Building Scalable Cisco Networks (BSCN), 1 wk, Raleigh NC, July 2000

Advanced Sniffer University, 1 wk, Birmingham AL, September 1997

Intro to Cisco Router Configuration (ICRC), 1 wk, New Orleans LA, August 1997

UNIX System Administration, 1 wk, Cannon AFB NM, April 1996

HP OpenView Network Management Installation, 1 wk, Herdon VA, June 1995

HP OpenView Network Management Operations, 1 wk, Herdon VA, June 1995

Fiber Optic Installation and Maintenance, 3 wk, SAFB TX, November 1994

Advanced Information and Network Systems Evaluation, 8 wk, W/P AFB OH, September 1994

N.E.T. IDNX-70 Operations and Maint, 2 wk, Redwood CA, February 1993

AFCC Commercial Communications School, 1 wk, Scott AFB IL, February 1992

NCO Leadership School, 8 wk, Lindsey AS GE, March 1989

TSQ-111 CNCE Systems Controller Crs, 4 wk, Keesler AFB MS, February 1988

NCO Preparatory Course, 2 wk, Andersen Air Base Guam, February 1987

Telecommunications Systems Control Crs, 16 wk, Keesler AFB MS, April 1986

Personnel Specialist Course, 6 wk, Keesler AFB MS, April 1979

H.S. GED, N.Y. State, September 1976

A total of 76 semester hours towards my BS in Computer Science

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Awards and Decorations

Air Force Commendation Medal (2nd OLC), HQ SSG (AMC), October 1998

Air Force Commendation Medal (1st OLC), 27th Fighter Wing (ACC), April 1997

Joint Service Commendation Medal, 5th Allied Tactical Air Force (NATO), October 1996

NCO of the Quarter, 27th Communications Squadron (27FW), March 1996

Air Force Achievement Medal (1st OLC), 27th Fighter Wing (ACC), August 1995

Air Force Commendation Medal, 27th Fighter Wing (ACC), April 1995

NCO of the Quarter, 27th Communications Squadron (27FW), June 1993

NCO of the Quarter, 27th Communications Squadron (27FW), December 1991

Air Force Achievement Medal, 3415th Air Base Group (ATC), November 1985

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Joined the Air Force in May 1979, assigned Eielson AFB Alaska, Personnel Specialist; Feb 81 assigned Lowry AFB Colorado, Personnel Specialist; May 86 assigned Andersen AB Guam, Telecommunications Specialist; Oct 87 assigned Sembach AB Germany, Tactical Telecommunications Specialist; Oct 89 assigned Camp O'Donnell Republic of the Philippines High Frequency Transmitter Site, NCOIC Systems Control; Apr 91 assigned Cannon AFB New Mexico, NCOIC Base Central Test Facility, Apr 93; Senior Network Analyst; Apr 97 assigned Gunter Annex Alabama, Metropolitan Area Network Manager. Moved to Fayetteville NC, after retirement from the Air Force in November 1998. I am presently 9 credit hours from my Associates, and am actively pursuing my BS in Computer Science. Security clearance is presently downgraded to Secret due to elapsed time since last investigation.

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