Another view of the USGS lobby display.
Another lobby display of a geomagnetisim monitor.
The flash ruined any image exposure on the monitor.
Another angle shot of the geomagnetism monitor display
in the lobby.
A through the window shot of a seismologist on duty
(John Bellini), reviewing a quake event with a computer.
This is Waverly Person, the most well known media
spokesman for the NEIC. He gave a very extensive talk to the group,
and covered details of operation, difficulties of data coverage for remote
areas, and typical media problems for U.S., and world wide events.
I believe Mr Person has been with the USGS since the 1960's.
This is a view of one of the many drums still in operation
at the NEIC. The signal site is Dugway, Utah; and may or may
not represent actual earthquakes (perhaps in California/Nevada) on 5/21/99.