Travis' Electronics Forum - An electronics engineering reference source Travis' Electronics Forum - An electronics engineering reference source Travis' Electronics Forum - An electronics engineering reference source Travis' Electronics Forum - An electronics engineering reference source Travis' Electronics Forum - An electronics engineering reference source
Travis' Electronics Forum - An electronics engineering reference source


I built this site while I was in college as an electronics reference tool that I could use anywhere. I have since graduated and now work for Lockheed Martin. Hopefully it will be as useful to you as it has been for me. The menu below has internal links to some electronic formulas, an abbreviation dictionary, electronics reference tables, Motorola's - High Speed CMOS Data Book, my college final project, a functional calculator, and a slide puzzle if you feel like being challenged. Thanks for stopping by.

Main menu:

Many useful electronics formulas.

Many useful electronics formulas/formulae.

Ohm's Law
Electronics acronym/abbreviation dictionary.

Electronics acronym/abbreviation dictionary.

Resistor band color code tables/charts.

Resistor band color code tables/charts.

Capacitor code tables/charts.

Capacitor code tables/charts.

A solid construction copper wire gauge comparison table/chart resistances and maximum current flow.

A wire gauge comparison table/chart resistances and maximum current flow.

A battery comparison table/chart.

A battery comparison table/chart.

Binary/Octal/Decimal/Hexadecimal/ASCII Base Conversion table/chart.

Binary/Octal/Decimal/Hexadecimal/ASCII Base Conversion table/chart.

Frequency Spectrum table/chart.

Frequency Spectrum table/chart.

Sine/Sinusoidal waveform analysis.

Sine/Sinusoidal waveform analysis.

Motorola's DL129/D - High-Speed CMOS Data Book (Revision 7).

Motorola's DL129/D - High-Speed CMOS Data Book (Revision 7).

A fully functional decimal/hexadecimal/binary calculator.

A fully functional decimal/hexadecimal/binary calculator.

College senior project M.A.R.V.

College senior project "M.A.R.V."

A challenging puzzle java script game.

A challenging puzzle java script game.

Highly recommended external links:

Informative Reading
& Encyclopedia of Energy Science:
& Technical Reference Selection Guide:
& How semiconductors work:
& How boolean logic works:
& How the RF spectrum works:

! Circuits for the Hobbyist:
! Circuits in the Circuits Archive:
! Electronic Circuit Schematics:
! Various Schematics and Diagrams:

$ Resistors:
$ Capacitors:
$ Inductors:
$ Transistors:
$ FETs:
$ OP Amps:
$ 555 Timer:
$ Boolean Logic:

Ω Electronic Schematic Symbols Translated:
Ω Greek Alphabet Symbols Translated:
Ω Mathematical Symbols Translated:

4 Electronics Engineering Reference Tables:

Specialty Calculators
: Electronics Converters and Calculators:
: Electrical Engineering Calculators:

Interactive Diagrams
8 Animated Circuit Simulator:
8 Sine Wave Simulator:

My own personal links
J My Yahoo Member Profile:
J Where I graduated from (10/99):
J Where I work:
J Space program I've worked on (GENESIS):
J Space program I've worked on (SIRTF):
J Space program I'm working on (MRO):

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Travis' Electronics Forum - An electronics engineering reference source

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