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For The Perfect Man
By Kr.
Kristine Reinhart... last of the last of the last of
the last.
oct 21 1997
I hasten to think what it would be like
to be perfect in every way
To please those projecting eyes that involve me
with a svelte and provocative sway
I have found such perfection,
though not the external
in the seasons of each passing
Is it too much a task...
for it's so hard to ask,
to throw all of your prejudice away.
This "love" that you find in a magazine's figure,
is but a concept of beauty and grace
My eyes are not blind
to disguises, sublime;
that are masking your beautiful face
So I'll ask you for nothing,
not to judge nor decipher these ideas
to you I relate...
Just accept them my friend, for just when you do...
I'll be gone and you'll know it's too late.
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