Let Us Suppose...


Campaign for an Independent Britain
"News and Comment" - 17 July, 1999

 PRESS REPORTS on the second Congress for Democracy concentrated on rebukes to Howard Flight, Conservative front bench spokesman, for being no more than honest and intellectually consistent in observing that if the UK declines to join the single currency it would mean that our relationship to the EU would be fundamentally changed and that it would be the first step to leaving the organisation altogether. This provoked the Euromaniac Simon Buckby, Britain in Europe's campaign manager, into declaring that Mr Flight "has revealed the secret agenda of those fanatics hostile to the single currency". Of course this statement reveals Mr Buckby to be singularly ill informed, even for a Europhile, as the agenda of the Campaign for an Independent Britain, UKIP, the Campaign against Euro Federalism and many other like minded groups is not secret but is shouted from the rooftops, as anyone with any intelligence knows full well. If Mr Buckby would like it repeated again:

 CONTINUED MEMBERSHIP OF THE EUROPEAN UNION WILL SPELL DISASTER for the prosperity and democracy of the United Kingdom. We want a future as a self governing parliamentary democracy, an independent nation and a member of the world community, not as a province of a European federal superstate, ruled by an unelected and immovable bureaucratic elite. As no degree of reform can change the essentially anti-democratic nature of the EU we seek the COMPLETE WITHDRAWAL OF THE UK FROM THE EUROPEAN UNION".

 I TRUST THAT STATEMENT sets Mr Buckby's mind at rest as to our aims. He should note that we do not seek to be anti-European, but anti-EU, and that we are quite happy to trade with all nations, including those within euroland, but that we do not feel the need to surrender our sovereignty in order to do so.

 THE OTHER FEATURE OF THE ATTACKS on Mr Flight were accusations, by Mr Buckby, and other EU apologists, was the claim that those who dare to oppose the received wisdom about the supposed benefits of EU membership were variously maniacs, fanatics or extremists. These epithets, coming from those whose devotion to the mad cause of Euro federalism, are laughable, as can be illustrated by the following:

LET US SUPPOSE THAT, in the 1960s, a politician had made the following proposition:

The UK should, over the next fifty years:

 SUCH A MAN WOULD NOT have been regarded as an extremist, merely as one who was clearly mentally ill and who should be consigned to a lunatic asylum for his own good.

 WE ARE NOW IN THE SITUATION that the lunatics are running the asylum and that those of us who point out that the Emperor has no clothes are derided as extremists while those who seek to achieve the objectives listed above are within sight of success, having attained some and being well on the way to others. As Lord Shore said in his speech to the second Congress of Democracy, "If to believe in democracy, freedom and the independence of my country makes me an extremist than I am happy to be so regarded". Of course it is not Lord Shore and the Eurorealist movement that is extreme but those who worship at the altar of Eurofederalism and who would sacrifice everything good about this country in order to create the federal superstate of which they dream.

 GEORGE ORWELL KNEW ALL ABOUT the way in which language can be distorted in order to deceive and there is no doubt that our opponents are experts in the use of 'Newspeak'. If you seek extremists and fanatics look to the Europhiles, not to those who speak for the vast majority of the British people in their desire to protect all that has been gained at such cost over so many centuries and which is now at such risk.

The above essay was posted on 11 July 1999 in the "News and Comments" pages of
Campaign for an Independent Britain.
[The website deserves your attention and exploration. ...BG]

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