Ian Kimber - 01/14/00 10:34:24 My URL:http://i.am/ian.kimber My Email:ian.kimber@virgin.net | Comments: This is just a test to celibrate the first big update. watch out there's more to come |
Ian Kimber - 11/05/98 17:20:01 My URL:http://homepage.virgin.net/ian.kimber/index.htm My Email:ikimber@crl.co.uk Religion?: Middle of the road Church of Enlgand Scientist?: Physicist and Electronics Engineer recommended site(s): none as yet | Comments: I have a strong belief in "convergence" that is what I think at the moment to be important and worth discussing is also on the minds of a lot of other people. There seems to be a spate of extremeism of all kinds around these days from religious fanatics o rabid atheists, from hard headed hedonists to aggressive conservationalists. A lot of what I am talking about is a plea for logical and positive moderation based on the truth of observable and predictable scientific fact and faith in the ethical princip es that "soft line religion" has given us to live by. Please come and join me in this middle ground and write down and publish some ideas that will show the world that the conventional image of extremes presented by the mass media is destroying our belie in rationality that will allow us jointly to form our future in a mutually beneficial way. |