Magazines presenting themselves as dealing with Aliens and UFOs may actually be working as foreign subversive disinformation agents to detour people away from the subject while placing all blame on the U.S. Government. Ask yourself, how many different magazines have you seen that fail to give information about their entitled articles, but instead detour readers through making attacks on the U.S. Government? How can relatively small magazines with small specialized circulations and little advertising afford to have elegant, expensive multicolored covers that compete with major magazines? Who or what is financing them and for what purpose? Who runs these magazines? What is their background and what are they connected to? Who are the selected writers allowed to present articles in such magazines? What is their background and what are they connected to? Who edits such magazines, what are their backgrounds, and what are they connected to? Ask these questions: Is what they present truth or propaganda? Does what is being presented, in the way it is being presented, promote or destroy interest in their subjects of focus as presented on their covers? Or, does what is being presented, in the way it is being presented, promote or destroy according to the intent of a foreign agenda?
Such magazines have been known for attacking most all UFO researchers at one time or another. Another question you should be asking: If all researchers are attacked and discredited, where will you be able to get any information?
Who are the real disinformation agents; government people or the editors of such magazines?