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Video cvr.gif (9460 bytes)Alien Trails Part 1 is my first video in a series that will enlighten all as it illuminates many dark secret areas and how this is affecting all people. It runs 1 1/2 hours beginning with an introduction as to how the information was acquired, then goes on to examine evidence of the involvement between alien activity and ritual magic. In a trail leading from Mars to Earth and extending through the ancient cultures of Egypt, Rome, Stonehenge, and Easter Island, as well as through the more modern nations of Nazi Germany, Mexico, and the United States. It demonstrates similar interconnections and patterns between them, leading to a discomforting conclusion.
       It touches slightly on my previous research released in "The Heerman Research Papers", then spends the next half of the video on new, never-before-released information from my own research covering the remains of a crashed alien fighter craft near the Integratron and its possible involvements and implications.

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       It reveals ancient Indian petroglyphs relating to very high technology through an association with extraterrestrials.

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       It reveals a system of visible remains of ancient tunnels leading from near the China Lake Nuclear Test Area, past Fort Irwin, to Area 51.

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       Also included, is some interesting technical information discovered in these deserts that may be very involved with everyone's lives. Then, it ends with a shocking development linked to alien and UFO involvements.

       I am now offering the Alien Trails Part 1 1 1/2 hour video documentary for $25.00 within the U.S. Outside the U.S. add $5.00 to cover the cost of postage. Send to Dave H.  P.O. Box 370591  Reseda CA   USA. A portion of the proceeds will go to establishing a blind sight center and various research projects such as the Timetron project involving the Integratron.

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copyright 1998