***** Announcement Of The Upcoming *****

A Detailed Analysis of
Lincoln Cent Varieties®
- Volume II -

As many of you know, I have temporarily suspended my online Die Variety News magazine. This was so I could complete work on Volume II of my reference. Now that I'm nearing completion, it is with pleasure to announce the soon-to-be released A Detailed Analysis of Lincoln Cent Varieties - Volume II. This reference will enhance your library covering many of the Lincoln cent doubled dies, RPM's, OMM's, RDV's, Wide AM's and so forth from 1909 to present. It is designed for the beginner as well as the advanced collector enhanced with new photos and detailed die markers, descriptions and comments that will aid in the accurate identification of your Lincoln cent varieties.

Each variety listing includes:
  • Classification of doubling.

  • Cross-references (if known) with Coppercoins.com Files, Wexler Files, CONECA Files and CPG Files.

  • A detailed description of the variety.

  • Rarity Scale

  • Interest Factor

  • Up-to-date pricing guide with an asterisk for annotation of actual known sales.

  • Reported by:

  • Coin Courtesy of:

  • Applicable die marker photo(s) with detailed descriptions for obverse and reverse if known.

  • Special comments about the particular die variety.

Additional notes about Volume II:

  • Since the reference is shaping up to be in the range of 1300 to 1500 pages, it will be placed on compact disk (CD) broken down into date sections for easy reference.

  • It will be in portable document format (PDF), the same format I used for my Die Variety News magazine, that will allow various views of each page to include zooming in on a particular variety. This format also allows the use of color photos.


Overall, the style is the same as Volume I but with added new material and the latest up-to-date information. Pages are 8 1/2 by 11, illustrated with well over 3500 detailed photos of Lincoln cent varieties including many that have never been published.

Below are links to view a few sample pages from upcoming Volume II of A Detailed Analysis of Lincoln Cent Varieties:

Sample Page 1.

If you will be interested in reserving your copy or if you have any questions, please e-mail me at: dievarieties@sc.rr.com