Welcome to my homepage!
My name is Sakamon Devahastin. I am currently Associate Professor in the Department of Food Engineering at the King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) in Bangkok, Thailand

Last updated: January 30, 2009
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Click here to see my edited book, "Mujumdar's Practical Guide to Industrial Drying"
(Exergex, Montreal, 2000).
Personal information
Photo gallery (Click here to see some pictures from Young Tech. Award banquet)
Research interests
My favorite links
Please select the following links for more information:
Drying Technology - An International Journal
Courses (updated October 2005)
Click HERE to see my newly edited book! "Physicochemical Aspects of
Food Engineering and Processing" (CRC Press, to appear in 2009)

More books that I have contributed a chapter include:

Handbook of Fluidization and Fluid-Particle Systems (Marcel Dekker, 2003)

Dehydration of Products of Biological Origin (Science Publishers, 2004)

Handbook of Industrial Drying, 3rd Edition (CRC Press, 2007)

Drying Technologies in Food Processing (Wiley-Blackwell, 2008)

Advances in Food Dehydration (CRC Press, 2009)

Click here to e-mail me
International Journal of Food Engineering
Viewers are invited to visit www.simprotek.com for information on a new simulation software useful for academic teaching and engineers in industry dealing with drying-related problems
6th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference

Bangkok, Thailand
October 19-21, 2009