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Only after doing six Fundamental Physics discoveries, it became possible to resolve some puzzling issues of Astrophysics including Solar Physics:


Within a radioisotope or XRF source, ionizing radiations (Gamma rays, X-rays and beta particles) first generate Dark Radiation, which in turn produces UV dominant optical emission, high energy spectrum from the same excited atom by a previously unknown phenomenon explained by the author. The fact that Solar gamma rays, X-rays, and electrons similarly causing EUV provides the vital key for ionizing radiations to cause EUV within excited atoms of radioisotopes by the newly described atomic phenomenon. Presence of radioisotopes in Sun could most likely happen by fission.


Therefore fission seems to be most viable possibility over the traditional belief on fusion.


 The current research enabled to define exactly "Dark Radiation" as electromagnetic radiation with  energies in eV level that falls in spectral range slightly higher than that of UV or EUV radiation. As  currently available detectors like Photomultiplier tube, say 9635QB (THORN EMI) cannot  efficiently  detect these energies, they are termed as Dark Radiation.


The current research enabled to say " Dark Matter " constitutes fission fragments  like 137 Cs, and

      90 Sr. In simple words, spent fuel rods contain Dark Matter. Many core electrons get knocked out of atom in the newly formed radioisotopes in fission reaction. A highly ionized radioisotope left with  only one filled shell, as in the case of tritium, would exclusively emit   Dark Radiation , as further  emission of UV dominant optical radiation requires atleast two filled shells.   


Solar fission is responsible for cosmic rays received on Earth.

     Reference : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, Human Ecology and Nature  ( HEN 2008) held at Moscow- Ples, Russia diring 27 June to July 2, 2008, (Ed) Vladimir V.Zaitsev (email: < > or "àíäðåé àíäðååâ" < >) , M oscow Scientific and Industrial Association "Radon", P 45-50, 2008.


Doing six fundamental (physics) discoveries could be new record in Science

     Discovery, a rare event and a mile stone in science, is not possible to do by every scientist or nation. Madam Curie (France) and John Bardeen (USA) could do two discoveries for which they were awarded Nobel Prize twice.


   Incredibly, research work of the Indian Scientist M.A.Padmanabha Rao seems to account for six fundamental physics discoveries. It could be the first time a single scientist doing six fundamental discoveries in science. After going through experimental results, readers are requested to report their views.


The current work represents previously unexplored area of sub-atomic research using radioisotopes and XRF sources led to six fundamental physics discoveries in X-ray, nuclear, atomic, solid state, radiation physics, and atomic spectra that are in fact six sub-atomic discoveries.



Progress in science is often marked by surprise findings. The conditions favored the current research are two.

Uncommon experimental set up: Use of a bare PMT (9635QB, THORN EMI), a light sensor greatly facilitated the light detection from  ionizing radiation sources, when experiments were just aimed for evaluation of PMT performance in  the  detection of ionizing radiations.

Surprise finding: When each of the radioisotopes and XRF sources kept directly over the Quartz window of the PMT  (9635QB THORN EMI), Rb XRF source  (AMC 2084, UK.) exhibited spectacular counts, 28 times   high  over the Rb XRF yield around the year 1988. The  single event heralded advancements in many   areas  of physics including atomic, nuclear, radiation, solid state and  modern physics, atomic spectroscopy  and  physics of metals.


 Why others could not detect it?

     1. The light intensity is so feeble that it cannot be seen by naked eye. 2. The dominant UV, being invisible and emerges as a single beam along with ionizing radiations from source.

     The first and most difficult task was in identifying the excessive radiation detected from Rb XRF  source as light that became possible only when experimentally segregated light from ionizing  radiations.


Experimental evidence for optical radiation   

     After four years of experimentation to know the exact cause for the excessive  counts from Rb XRF source,  introduction of a thin back polyethylene sheet in  between Rb XRF source and PMT caused a steep fall in counts that  gave a  suspicion of light. However, a very feeble intense light observed at room temperature did not allow using  atomic spectrometer in determining the nature  of its spectrum.


T wo optical techniques designed by the author confirmed optical radiation

     1. Using Narrow band optical filters : Narrow band optical filers kept over bare PMT were the first to provide concrete evidence of unpredented UV dominant optical radiation, high energy spectrum  at room temperature from Rb XRF source, and all other radioisotopes (except tritium) and XRF sources tested.      

    The results were very intriguing as three types of sources with wide diversity showed UV dominant optical radiation, high energy spectrum  at room temperature

     (a) XRF sources such as Rb, Ba, and Tb XRF sources present as Rb, Ba, and Tb salts,

     (b) radioisotopes like 137 Cs present as radiochemicals, and     

     (c) metals at room temperature when present as XRF sources (Cu, Mo, and Ag XRF source)     and radioisotopes ( 57 Co, 60 Co) against incandescence.


      2. Using a pair of Sheet Polarizers : In order to better understand the nature of optical spectrum, a pair of sheet polarizers were used and estimated percent UV, visible (VIS), and near infrared (NIR) radiation intensities in gross light intensity from each source by a technique specially designed for the purpose (Refer Discovery 1, Discovery 2 and Discovery 3). Spectra measured with narrow band optical filters represent emission spectra directly from source. The technique with sheet polarizers clearly establishes the fact that the optical radiation originates from source itself and not due to luminescence from any neighboring material. The spectral results confirmed that all these sources cause a typical UV dominant optical spectrum, a high energy spectrum due to involvement of ionizing radiations.  



Three experimental discoveries  

Discovery 1

UV dominant optical emission was detected from Rb, Ba, and Tb XRF sources present as Rb, Ba, Tb salts in AMC 2084 (Amersham International).

  Discovery 1 explains that Solar X-rays from radioisotopes that emit X-rays by Electron  Capture   could        cause EUV by a previously unknown Atomic Phenomenon explained  by   M.A.   Padmanabha Rao.

 Diagnostic X-ray tubes in hospitals, XRF sources used in research and industry emit UV.

 Also explains why 'after optical glow' following X-rays from X-ray pulsars.  


Discovery 2

UV dominant optical emission was also detected from radioisotopes present as radiochemicals like 137 CsCl.

Solar gamma rays from predominantly gamma emitting radioisotopes cause EUV by a previously     unknown Atomic Phenomenon  explained by M.A.Padmanabha Rao.

This discovery explains 'after optical glow' following gamma rays from Gamma ray  busters (GRBs). 

Radiopharmaceuticals used in Nuclear Medicine, and metallic 60 Co used as Teletherapy  for  cancer treatment emit Dark Radiation as well as EUV and UV causing higher radiation dosage  to  patients than what is estimated so far.

Dark Radiation as well as EUV, and UV cause higher radiation dose to men and equipment, in  certain occasions of exposing to open air during space travel,  than what is estimated so far based  on ionizing radiations alone.

If ionizing radiations and UV are detected simultaneously by two detectors can bring down  the  minimal detection limits.


Discovery 3

UV dominant optical emission was also detected from metals present as radioisotopes such as 57 Co; and Cu, Mo, and Ag XRF sources unprecedented at room temperature against familiar incandescence. Since metal constitutes metal atoms, UV dominant optical radiation newly detected from metallic sources hinted two important aspects.

Optical Emission

Optical radiation detected from metals (metallic sources) at room temperature against familiar incandescence suggested optical emission by a previously unknown phenomenon.


New class of Atomic Spectra of   Solids ( radioisotopes, and XRF sources) at Room     Temperature:

Since metal constitutes metal atoms, UV dominant optical spectrum of metallic sources such as 57 Co representing excited 57 Co metal atoms hinted that it is atomic emission of light. The excited atoms become free atoms due to valence excitation causing fluorescent light emission.  


The current study suggests that Solar EUV lines observed by Astrophysicists are due to high energy atomic spectra of radioisotopes indicating existence of radioisotopes in Sun. The spectra of excited atoms in radioisotopes can take place even at room temperature. The radioisotopes may get highly ionized in the fission reaction. Possibility exists for presence of abundant Uranium in Sun to cause fission. The excited highly ionized atoms of fission fragments (radioisotopes) constitute DARK MATTER. During fission reaction, most core electrons get knocked out of a radioisotope and left with a singly filled shell, it would emit only Dark radiation, and even the UV dominant optical emission if left with two filled shells. Dark Matter comprising of excited free atoms lasts in atomic state as long as the atoms remain in excited state.



     The measurement of UV dominant high energy atomic spectrum of excited metallic 57 Co atoms providing the first evidence for formation of free atoms within solid radioisotopes and XRF sources marked an important step on the existence of a new 'atomic state of matter' in solids at room temperature. Hopefully, futuristic studies will allow the characteristics of this fascinating new form of matter to be explored in detail .


These free excited atoms situated in between unexcited metal atoms within the solid sources at room temperature cause a new class of atomic spectra as they distinctly differ from thermally excited atoms in gaseous phase that cause standard atomic spectra. Since ionizing radiations with keV or MeV energies are involved they caused UV dominant high energy spectra .


Explanation of these the above discoveries resulted into three more discoveries 


Discovery 4

Bharat or Dark Radiation  is daughter radiation emission (predicted) from XRF sources     and      radioisotopes

In order to explain UV emission, the author has predicted that ionizing radiation energies in keV or MeV first produce some exciting energies higher than that of UV, at eV level necessary for valence excitation and successive emission of fluorescent light from within parent excited atoms of XRF sources and radioisotopes. E mission of previously unknown electromagnetic radiation (temporarily named Bharat radiation came to be known already as DARK RADIATION ) from radioisotopes and XRF sources, the tenet of six discoveries  is absolutely revolutionary.    


Therefore ionizing radiations (beta, gamma and X-radiations) are successively followed by the predicted Bharat or DARK emission, and the newly detected optical emission from parent excited atom of XRF sources and radioisotopes.


Discovery 5

The two most spectacular advancements in the field of Atomic Spectroscopy

Predicted exciting energies ( Bharat or Dark Radiation energies ) produced internally within excited atom causing valence excitation and the successive atomic emission of light.

Previously unknownBharat or Dark Radiation causing the distinct class of 'atomic spectra from solids at room temperature' with strong lines in UV region, entirely different from the standard spectra.


Discovery 6: New Atomic phenomenon

The first Core- Coulomb field interaction

The author explained how Dark and optical radiation emissions take place by a previously unknown atomic phenomenon, which is essentially core-Coulomb interaction ofbeta, gamma, and X-radiations. Degradation of energies from keV or MeV to eV level is the hallmark of this phenomenon, but interpreted in familiar terms as ionizing radiations causing Dark, and optical emissions.


Explanation how  Dark Radiation is generated

Spectral results provided the key that X-, γ and β radiations produced within an excited atom in XRF source or radioisotope act simply as energies in keV or MeV and lose a few eV while passing through core - Coulomb field. The loss of energy reappears as electromagnetic radiation with energy in eV level but higher than that of the UV or far-UV radiation that the source emits. Dark radiation is the first generation of X-ray, γ-ray, or β–particle. The Dark radiation produced thus excites valence electron, and gives rise to 'Atomic spectra from solids at room temperature' following ionizing radiation from the same parent excited atom (discovery 5)


As excited atom is the source of ionizing, Dark and optical radiations, all these six      discoveries come     under sub-atomic discoveries.


  Experimental evidence shows beta is not particle within excited atom

       Within the excited atom, equally energetic beta, gamma, and X-radiations show equal    performance.    Electron not exhibiting particle behavior, but behaving like gamma and X-ray    resolves the long    standing puzzle between matter and waves.  To conclude, gamma, X-ray and    electron are simply    energy carriers (refer above website: edas ).  


  Gamma or X-ray exceeds light in velocity ( superluminal velocity or faster than light: FTL): a  further extension to Albert Einstein's famous formula E = mc2 ( discovery 6) .


  This current work involves 19 years        

       All the experimental work and explanation by a new Atomic Phenomenon took 9 years for the   author at the Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur in Rajasthan State of India, until retirement in   September 1997, and nearly 10 years after retirement.


  Presented in international and national Symposia

   After retirement, the work was presented in three International symposia held in US (1998, 2001), and Russia (2008); in Europhysics Conference organized by European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy (EGAS34) held at Sofia (Bulgaria) in 2002, and in six Indian Symposia, spending one more decade on this research. "New era in radiation physics" :  


  Recognition of research work in India (2006)

Presided the National Conference on Advances in Electronic Materials and Devices (AEMD-2006) during March 5-6, 2006,Chaired a scientific session, and delivered anInvited Talk on New UV emitters ....& first ever mapping of gamma, electron, proton, and neutron. For full paper in research Edition please view:


  Advances in fundamental physics of electron and photon -- INVITED TALK - 2007

  Albert Einstein's Photon is also a wave like inverted Y. Both radiation (Photon) and matter (electron,  proton, and neutron) have electrical, magnetic and gravitational fields. Explained bending light, mass  of electron etc is due to gravitational field. Third National Conference on Advances in Electronic  Materials and Devices (AEMD-2006) during March 25-26, 2007, Organized by Department of Pure  and Applied Physics, Guru Ghasidas University at Bilaspur-495009, Chattisgarh State, India.


Other Invited Lectures

1. Spectroscopy Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, India

August 14, 1997

2. Delivered a talk under Extramural and Extension Lecture series intended by "eminent scholars and distinguished persons who have attained excellence in their respective discipline” at Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur 342005, Rajasthan, India.


3. Indian Association for Radiation Protection at Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

24 Sept 1997

4. National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi


5. Solid State Physics Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria



M.A. Padmanabha Rao Ph.D. ( A.I.I.M.S)

Former Professor of Medical Physics,  

Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, Jolly Grant, Uttaranchal (2001)


Head, Radiation Safety Group& Deputy Director ,

Defence Laboratory (DRDO), Jodhpur, Rajasthan (1983-97)


Lecturer in Medical Physics, Department of Nuclear Medicine ,

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 1964-1983). ;


Delhi Ph: 9871257964 OR, 91-11-28534251


Rare International Honor for research work at AIIMS

As Assembly Member to the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Tokyo, 1974 led Indian team of scientists and doctors at the age of 37.


Presided an Instrumentation session during First World Congress in Nuclear Medicine held at the same time wherein presented a paper on "scatter photon imaging techniques"- newly developed by Rao at AIIMS.

  Website is modified on December 19, 04, March 13, 05, and April 4, 06, April 20, 2007, Jan 11, 08, July 10, 2008  

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