Six little fiesty dudes!!!!
Which one's looking for trouble???

Welcome to Psychowolffs Lair!!!!

What's up?? What's new??

Updated April 2005!!!6/16/06

I'm glad you stopped by, I am not allowed many visitors here in the Cyber Jail, so it get's kinda lonely at times :~( feel free to look around my page, look at whatever you want and let me know what you think about it, or what it is you DIDN'T like about it!!!

Hmmm it is OCTOBER 3Rd today, my favorite month of the year! The weather has turned a lil chilly, JUST the way I like it! The leaves are all a 'color' and makes you want to go out driving! I Purchased a house in January and I'm Still working on it! I think I will be doing that for a long while now! LOL Being a homeowner cn be a hassle! LOL I have put my parents into it and kept my apartment... WHY you ask?!?! Cuz I CAN! LOL No, acctually, because they needed an affordable place to live, and I want the house down the road! It is a smallish 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage ON the Mighty Mississippi!!! OK, The bedrooms are quite small, the bathroom counter leaves you about 15 inches to squeeze by it, the toilet is very close to the tub so your knees almost knock it, the basement height is about 6'1 inch, (Except where the heating ducts are, there it is about 5'9") ALL the windows are single panes, nothing in the Kitchen but the sink and a cool INDOOR CHARCOAL GRILL! Many other detractors as well... Now YOU might start (Or continue to) think i'm NUTS! Well, all those things can be fixed, and since the whole house needs updating from the early 70's decore and such what does it matter to me?! Plus, that will help keep the price down! The things you should realise are... The Many, Many Maples/oaks/elm/ash trees it has! all large and well spaced! You just CAN'T get that without letting them grow for 40-50 years! About half an acre on the mississippi river? can't find that cheap much these days! Well, we will see... we will see... Hopefully I can afford it. God Bless and take care!

Feb 2005 Just a brief update about what's going on with me... The VA has finnally 'aggreed' that my back was service connected, all it took for them to see the light was 3 1/2 years, half a dozen statements from Doctors (Mostly thier Own Doctors) Half a dozen statements from friends and my chain of command at my last unit, My Congress man Mr Kennedy (He was a great help!!) the DAV, AND a minor 'Act of God' in there somewhere I have No doubt! The strange thing is that I get a letter from the VA legal dept. saying that "Your leg probelems DID happen during surgery, but we are not libal because the operation was not for a service connected injuy." But the VA claims department (seperate departments) had finalized my claim for my Low back, so it IS service connected, but denied my leg problems due to "No Causation" Wierd Huh? The first one helping me by NOT helping me! hehehehehhe Now I'm just waiting for the loose ends to get tied up SaaWeeeeeeT!!!!

I'm BACK! Just a brief update about what's going on with me, Hmmm... I had a back operation at the Twin Cities VA in July of 2001, they were so considerate, Helpful, and caring! I was in and out of the hospital in only 2-3 day's! but then on the other hand, they totally screwed my back up too, so Hmmmm.... Maybe they weren't that good! to find out MORE, check out the rest of my pages!

I'm Still playing with my 'Pages' (and Alway's WILL be!) so either look the other way or Ignore the bugs Please!
If you have any suggestions on how to make it look Nice,
!Let me know!
!!!Let me know!!!


E-mail me from the link below with any questions or comments... Sorry, but Marriage proposals will not be considered at this time...

Psychowolff's Resume!!
About me, my pics, and more!
Jenny's Pain
My Poems
An old Drawing
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