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Future and Present Value of Money
Table search for values to calculate
Future Value - interest compounded annually
Future Value - interest compounded monthly
Future Value - select number of compounding periods per year
Present Value - interest compounded annually
Present Value - interest compounded monthly
Present Value - select number of compounding periods per year
Rate of Return - interest compounded annually
Rate of Return - interest compounded monthly
Savings Deposit - monthly deposit needed for a Future Value at term - interest compounded monthly
Future Value of Savings Deposits - monthly deposit - term - interest compounded monthly
Term in Years - needed for a Present Value to mature to Future Value
Installment Loans
Amortization Schedule Calculator
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) given Interest Rate
Interest Rate given the Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
Annual Interest - loan compounded monthly
Amount Still Owed after a number of monthly payments have been made
Amount Still Owed after monthly payments have been made for a number of years
Loan Principal - annual payment - interest compounded annually how much money you can borrow
Loan Principal - monthly payment - interest compounded monthly how much money you can borrow
Payment - annual payment - interest compounded annually
Payment - monthly payment - interest compounded monthly
Term - Number of Years needed to pay off loan
Annuity - receive Monthly payments
Annuity - receive Annual payments
Future Value select number of compounding periods per year - (rounded to cents)
Present Value select number of compounding periods per year - (rounded to cents)
Future Value interest compounded monthly - (rounded to cents)
Present Value interest compounded monthly - (rounded to cents)
Future Value interest compounded annually - (rounded to cents)
Present Value interest compounded annually - (rounded to cents)
Rate of Return Calculator
Rate of Return interest compounded annually
Rate of Return Calculator
Rate of Return interest compounded monthly
Payment annual payment - interest compounded annually - (rounded to cents)
Payment monthly payment - interest compounded monthly - (rounded to cents)
Create Wealth through Regular Savings Deposits
Deposit monthly deposit needed for a Future Value - interest compounded monthly - (rounded to cents)
Create Wealth through Regular Savings Deposits
Future Value of Deposits monthly deposit - interest compounded monthly - (rounded to cents)
Calculate (Loan Principal - Present Value) how much money you can borrow if you know your Monthly Payment, Interest, Term of Loan
Loan Amount monthly payment - interest compounded monthly - (rounded to cents)
Calculate (Loan Principal - Present Value) how much money you can borrow if you know your Annual Payment, Interest, Term of Loan
Loan Amount annual payment - interest compounded annually - (rounded to cents)
Calculate the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) given Interest RateAnnual Percentage Rate (APR) given Interest Rate
Calculate the Interest Rate given Annual Percentage Rate (APR)Interest Rate given the Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
Term in YearsHow many years are needed for a Present Value to mature to Future Value?
Annual Interest loan interest compounded monthly
Installment Loans
Amount Still Owed number of monthly payments made - interest compounded monthly - (rounded to cents)
Amount Still Owed number of years monthly payments have been made - interest compounded monthly - (rounded to cents)
Number of Years needed to pay off loanHow many years are needed to pay off the loan?
Calculate how much money (lump sum) will need to be invested to receive a certain payment,
if you know your Monthly Payment, Interest, Term of Loan
Annuity Amount monthly payment - interest compounded monthly - (rounded to cents)
Calculate how much money (lump sum) will need to be invested to receive a certain payment,
if you know your Annual Payment, Interest, Term of Loan
Annuity Amount annual payment - interest compounded annually - (rounded to cents)
Monthly Payment live on interest, the balance does not change
Balance needed for a Monthly Payment live on interest, the balance does not change
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Type the number in the box and then click "Calculate"
If the number is 6.7 then type "6.7" (no quotations marks).
You may type the decimal point.
If the number is 2154 you may type "2,154", you may type the comma. Type "2,154".
If you want to type "256,678", but you type "25k,678", the computer will use "25678" to calculate the answer.
If you type "ghblxz", the computer will use "0" to calculate the answer.
If you type "1.9e2", the computer will use "190" to calculate the answer.
NaN = not a number
To clear the entry boxes click "Reset".
Present Value Principal | Future Value | Rate of Return Interest Rate | Loan Interest Rate | Number of Compounding Periods per Year | Term in Years | Periodic Payment Amount | Number of Periodic Payments |
known | ? | known | --- | select | known | --- | --- |
? | known | known | --- | select | known | --- | --- |
known | ? | known | --- | monthly | known | --- | --- |
? | known | known | --- | monthly | known | --- | --- |
known | ? | known | --- | annually | known | --- | --- |
? | known | known | --- | annually | known | --- | --- |
known | known | ? | --- | annually | known | --- | --- |
known | known | ? | --- | monthly | known | --- | --- |
known | --- | --- | known | annually | known | ? | annual |
known | --- | --- | known | monthly | known | ? | monthly |
--- | known | known | --- | monthly | known | ? | monthly |
--- | ? | known | --- | monthly | known | known | monthly |
? | --- | --- | known | monthly | known | known | monthly |
? | --- | --- | known | annually | known | known | annual |
known | known | known | --- | select | ? | --- | --- |
known | --- | --- | known | select | ? | known | select |
known | --- | --- | ? | monthly | known | known | monthly |
Present Value Principal | Future Value | Rate of Return Interest Rate | Loan Interest Rate | Number of Compounding Periods per Year | Term in Years | Periodic Payment Amount | Number of Periodic Payments |