Railways in Australasia have a long tradition, stretching far back to the iron-railed tramway built in Australia in 1827 to carry coal from the mines in Newcastle (N.S.W.) down to the quayside with its waiting ships. A deep involvement with railways, right up to the present time has been a characteristic of both nations. Along the way, there have been engineering and civil engineering feats of the most spectacular sort, examples to the world of what railway and civil engineers can achieve with knowledge, skill and determination.

The IIREE was established in the Northern hemisphere, and the future development of electric railways requiring these same virtues of knowledge, skill and determination allied to vision and creativity, are at the heart of its mission. The Northern hemisphere is where at present its major membership base is to be found and its influence most strongly felt. But it must not stay like that. The expansion of the IIREE throughout the Southern hemisphere is not only a major enterprise, but a vitally necessary one, in order to correct this imbalance between North and South within our membership.

International though it proclaims itself, the Institute has its headquarters in England, and all its senior officers are still at this early stage English. To build the Institute in the Southern hemisphere from afar would take a lifetime. It would be immensely more quickly and efficiently done with the co-operation and assistance of electrification engineers who already live in the Southern hemisphere, and who realise the advantages that Institute membership brings to their careers and to the projects upon which they work.

We have decided to enlist first the help and co-operation of old and trusted comrades, where friendships have proved strong and reliable through many trials over many generations. That is why we have unhesitatingly chosen Australia and New Zealand, rather than any of the very talented and highly motivated nations of the Pacific rim, as the focal points of IIREE development in the locality of the South Pacific Ocean.

We send a fraternal and very warm invitation to you, our fellow railway electrification specialists, to promote your career, advance our profession, and encourage and perfect further rail electrification right around the globe, all of which you can do more effectively within our ranks. There, engineers from South and North, can exchange their knowledge and experience, their techniques, their innovations and their best practice to the advantage of all.

My best wishes,

John Shell IIREE President


Flags courtesy of Anthems, Flags and Facts of Nations.

Last updated 8th August 2000