Clock Cycles Versus Inductive Bias : An Empirical Comparison of Classification Algorithms under Varying Computational Resource Constraints

Bill Majoros
December 9, 2000


Experiments from a previous study of classification algorithms were extended by utilizing significantly more powerful computational resources in order to ascertain the effect on generalization ability.  Backpropagation neural networks and genetic programming were executed on a 6.4 GHz Pentium III cluster for eight hours, and the results were compared to previous runs of up to one hour on a 466 MHz Celeron.  The one-hundred-fold increase in computational effort was found to improve performance of these two classification algorithms somewhat, but was unable to invalidate the central thesis of the previous study regarding the ability of a single algorithm to perform exceptionally well on all practical problems.


In a previous study of seven popular machine-learning algorithms for classification, it was found that no single algorithm performed best on all, or even most, of the real-world problems used in that study [Majoros 2000].  Moreover, it was found that in order to achieve top rank on at least 95% of the problems in that problem set, it would be necessary to employ a majority of the algorithms used in that study (seven out of the twelve algorithm variants used).

Two of these algorithms, backpropagation neural networks and genetic programming, employ an element of randomness which renders them nondeterministic, so that each algorithm singly can produce different results on identical runs.  For this reason, it is advisable to run each algorithm multiple times on each problem, to give the algorithm an opportunity to search a larger portion of its model space.  Unfortunately, each run of these algorithms can take a considerable amount of time, depending on the parameterization of the model and the size of the problem to be solved.

In the study mentioned above, the neural networks and genetic programs were trained under fairly stringent resource constraints, and it was suggested that the results might have been different had the available computational resources been significantly increased.

The purpose of the present study was to investigate this possibility by re-running the neural networks and genetic programs on the same problem set, but using a significantly faster computer and a longer time limit.  The combination of faster clock speed and longer time limit produced a hundred-fold increase in computational power.  It was hoped that such an increase would be sufficient to reveal any effect that resource constraints may have had on the ability of these two algorithms to perform competitively in the previous study.

As an additional minor enhancement to the previous study, another classification technique, linear discriminant analysis, was added to the set of algorithms to be compared, bringing the total to eight algorithms, or thirteen algorithm variants.


The test problems are described in [Majoros 2000].  The same data files used for training and testing in that study were used here.  Of the 38 problems employed, nine were artificial and 29 were real-world problems obtained from the machine-learning repository at the University of California at Irvine [Murphy and Aha].  Most of the analyses will be performed on the real-world problems only.

All of the algorithms employed in [Majoros 2000] will be compared here, with only the genetic programming and backpropagation neural nets being exercised anew.  Abbreviations used in the previous study will be utilized again here: RND=random guessing, MAJ=majority rule, BAY=naive Bayes classifier, NET=neural network, TRE=decision tree, NC=nearest centroid with Euclidean distance, KN=k-nearest-neighbors, FS=k-nearest-neighbors with feature selection, MAH=k-nearest-neighbors using Mahalanobis distance, KNW=k-nearest-neighbors with weighted attributes, KWM=k-nearest-neighbors using Mahalanobis distance with weighted attributes, NCM=nearest-centroid using Mahalanobis distance, REG=linear regression, and GP=genetic programming.

An additional algorithm, linear discriminant analysis, also known as discriminant function analysis (DFA), is employed.  Discriminant analysis is a well-known statistical technique developed by R. A. Fisher in 1936 and provided by many commercial statistical packages [Many 1994].  This method uses eigenvalues and eigenvectors to identify a set of linear functions which optimally separate classes.  All of the linear functions are evaluated for each test case and the resulting values are subjected to the nearest centroid algorithm (NCM) to produce a classification.  C++ code for computing the linear functions was adapted from [Masters 1995].

Computing Resources
All programs were executed on an 8-node cluster consisting of 800 MHz Pentium III processors grouped into dual processor machines, each having 128 Mb of RAM.  All four machines ran Red Hat Linux version 6.2 compiled for symmetric multiprocessing.  "Fast ethernet" connections provided a 100Mbps communication channel.

For GP and NET, eight processes were executed simultaneously, one per processor, with randomized initial conditions.  Completed processes were followed by new invocations, until at least eight hours of wall-clock time had elapsed (per algorithm, per problem).  Only the highest score was kept for each problem.

This repetitive approach to utilizing greater computational resources allows searching through both the parameter space of the algorithm, as well as the model space constrained by a given parameterization.  Because each of the many models (often thousands) induced during this search was evaluated in the context of the test set, one can expect there to be a slight chance of overtraining on the test set.  However, because training was performed using the training set, inadvertent exploration of the test set was limited to the random search that occurred as a result of random model initialization at the beginning of each run (i.e., initial synapse weights in NET, and the initial population in GP).  Thus, the slight chance of overtraining with respect to the test set should not be expected to noticeably affect the results of this study.

Statistical Analyses
All statistical analyses are as described in [Majoros 2000], with the exception of the t-test described below.  Briefly, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to both scores and ranks, for both real-world problems and the entire problem set (i.e., four analyses in all), followed by pairwise comparisons using the Tukey test.

Differences in scores between this and the previous study for GP, and separately for NET, were subjected to a paired t-test.

Significance levels were set a 0.05.  All analyses were performed using unpublished software written by the author.  Statistical procedures and critical values were taken from [Zar 1996].


The accuracy scores obtained in this study are given in Table 1.  The values shown are percentages of test cases correctly classified.  For NET and GP, scores showing improvement are underlined.

problem       NET  GP  DFA   problem     NET  GP   DFA
ocr           59%  10% 66%   hepatitis   86%  99%  76%
income        85%  82% 79%   brst-cancer 99%  98%  96%
pendigits     94%  33% 82%   ecoli       83%  68%  81%
optdigits     96%  28% 89%   iris        99%  100% 84%
bands         82%  80% 67%   yeast       49%  38%  47%
ind-diabetes  75%  77% 76%   abalone     27%  28%  22%
dermatology   99%  69% 96%   mpg         88%  79%  78%
mushroom      100% 99% 64%   scale       97%  100% 73%
haberman      69%  77% 62%   cmc         57%  52%  47%
liver         64%  70% 64%   echocardio  83%  86%  68%
tae           68%  64% 63%   monk1       86%  100% 52%
glass         65%  62% 58%   monk2       71%  67%  51%
wine          100% 91% 98%   monk3       97%  97%  76%
water-treatmt 75%  60% 68%   nl1         100% 97%  98%
vote          97%  99% 95%   nl2         94%  90%  89%
soybean       91%  38% 89%   nl3         89%  80%  79%
crx           89%  84% 84%   nl4         96%  93%  91%
hypo          94%  94% 0%    nl5         83%  91%  81%
ionosphere    98%  99% 62%   nl6         96%  92%  92%

Table 1: New accuracy scores.  Improvements are underlined.

Improvements were made by NET on 27/38=71% of the problems, and by GP on 32/38=84% of the problems.  However, these differences were statistically significant for neither NET (t=0.82<t0.05(1),37=1.687, P>0.1) nor GP (t=0.66<t0.05(1),37=1.687, P>0.25).

The original scores given in [Majoros 2000] are reproduced in Table 2.  The occurrence of ni in the table indicates that the algorithm in question encountered a noninvertible matrix, and had to be aborted.

ocr            4%  4% 75% 59% 86% 58% 84% 89% 85% 56% 47% 66% 82%  8%
income        50% 76% 77% 85% 83% 55% 71% 73% 78% 70% 74% 79% 82% 80%
pendigits     10% 10% 79% 54% 94% 78% 97% 97% 96% 96% 96% 82% 95% 23%
optdigits     10% 10% 73% 69% 86% 89% 97% 98% ni  96% ni  ni  ni  24%
bands         50% 51% 51% 74% 69% 67% 72% 72% ni  79% ni  ni  51% 74%
ind-diabetes  50% 64% 61% 68% 73% 65% 74% 76% 75% 69% 63% 76% 78% 76%
dermatology   17% 31% 53% 98% 97% 45% 87% 98% 84% 52% 74% 96% ni  63%
mushroom      50% 52% 100%100%99% 64% 100%100% ni 100% ni ni  79% 99%
haberman      50% 68% 69% 68% 73% 75% 71% 72% 71% 65% 65% 62% 68% 76%
liver         50% 49% 50% 64% 61% 67% 58% 60% 54% 63% 55% 64% 64% 67%
tae           33% 27% 55% 61% 60% 43% 53% 53% 59% 55% 57% 63% 52% 40%
glass         14% 31% 49% 43% 64% 40% 69% 69% 64% 62% 54% 58% ni  60%
wine          33% 36% 39% 98% 93% 71% 69% 71% 97% 67% 81% 98% 99% 88%
water-treatmt  8% 48% 48% 62% 66% 18% 55% 63% 56% 53% 57% 68% ni  48%
vote          50% 61% 79% 97% 97% 88% 89% 96% 93% 89% 80% 95% 96% 99%
soybean        5% 13% 82% 91% 85% 51% 60% 84% 88% 60% 72% 89% ni  16%
crx           50% 55% 65% 86% 82% 67% 66% 73% 83% 65% 65% 84% 84% 84%
hypo          20% 92% 95% 94% 97% 0%  96% 96% ni  94% ni  ni  ni  93%
ionosphere    50% 82% 95% 96% 97% 62% 95% 94% ni  91% ni  ni  ni  97%

hepatitis     50% 81% 80% 81% 83% 68% 74% 78% 83% 76% 80% 76% 76% 85%
brst-cancer   50% 66% 95% 97% 94% 96% 97% 97% 93% 97% 93% 96% 96% 97%
ecoli         13% 39% 40% 72% 80% 81% 86% 86% ni  85% ni  ni  ni  59%
iris          33% 31% 97% 93% 97% 97% 100%100%89% 96% 81% 84% 96% 99%
yeast         10% 27% 27% 49% 52% 48% 59% 59% 56% 54% 52% 47% ni  34%
abalone        3% 17% 21% 23% 23%  6% 26% 24% 22% 25% 19% 22% ni  17%
mpg           33% 45% 50% 85% 80% 70% 77% 78% 81% 76% 81% 78% 82% 77%
scale         33% 46% 90% 93% 79% 72% 92% 92% 91% 92% 90% 73% 89% 100
cmc           33% 40% 48% 56% 51% 39% 53% 53% 48% 51% 47% 47% 50% 42%
echocardio    50% 82% 79% 82% 82% 56% 76% 77% 79% 79% 80% 68% 82% 85%
monk1         50% 50% 71% 86% 93% 50% 70% 75% 73% 70% 62% 52% 52% 83%
monk2         50% 67% 62% 71% 87% 67% 79% 78% 68% 80% 72% 51% 67% 67%
monk3         50% 47% 97% 81% 97% 64% 67% 89% 84% 67% 63% 76% 77% 97%
nl1           50% 51% 85% 99% 87% 93% 96% 96% 95% 96% 95% 98% 98% 96%
nl2           50% 59% 89% 90% 91% 88% 92% 92% 91% 81% 82% 88% 89% 89%
nl3           50% 60% 76% 85% 79% 79% 89% 89% 86% 71% 70% 79% 79% 76%
nl4           50% 52% 82% 89% 85% 89% 90% 92% 89% 69% 69% 91% 90% 90%
nl5           50% 52% 83% 83% 82% 81% 82% 83% 81% 56% 54% 81% 82% 83%
nl6           50% 50% 88% 85% 91% 92% 91% 92% 89% 49% 48% 92% 92% 90%

Table 2: Accuracy scores from previous study.

Table 3 gives the means and standard deviations of algorithm ranks on the real-world problem set.  Note that the standard deviations are fairly similar.

alg     mean     stddev
NET     2.24      1.72
FS      3.45      2.20
GP      3.55      2.94
TRE     3.74      1.64
KN      4.39      2.66
MAH     5.03      2.02
DFA     5.11      2.22
NCM     5.47      2.38
KNW     5.74      2.66
REG     5.84      3.38
BAY     6.45      2.55
KWM     6.89      1.89
NC      6.97      2.73
MAJ     8.68      2.24
RND     10.03     1.88

Table 3:  Means and standard deviations of
algorithm ranks on real-world problems.


Table 4 shows the results of the four separate analyses of variance, all of which were highly significant at the 0.05 level.

problem   values     critical value       F        P
all       scores   F0.05(1),14,518=1.69    24.8    <0.05
all       ranks    F0.05(1),14,518=1.69    32.1    <0.05
real      scores   F0.05(1),14,392=1.72    17.5    <0.05
real      ranks    F0.05(1),14,392=1.72    21.6    <0.05

Table 4: Critical values and test statistics for ANOVA.

The results of all pairwise comparisons are shown in Figures 1-4.  The algorithms are listed left-to-right in order of decreasing performance.  Each horizontal line groups together a set of algorithms which were not found to be significantly different by the Tukey test.

Relative to the corresponding figures in [Majoros 2000], both NET and GP moved left (in the direction of better performance) in all four analyses, with GP moving as many as two positions to the left and NET as many as three.  Whereas the leftmost algorithm in all four figures had previously been TRE or FS, it is now uniformly NET.

DFA appears slightly left of center in all four figures, suggesting that the method is neither the best nor the worst of the algorithms considered.

Figure 1.  Pairwise comparisons over all problems based on rank.
Rank increases left-to-right.

Figure 2.  Pairwise comparisons over all problems based on scores.
Accuracy decreases left-to-right.

Figure 3.  Pairwise comparisons over real-world problems based on ranks.
Rank increases left-to-right.

Figure 4.  Pairwise comparisons over real-world problems based on scores.
Accuracy decreases left-to-right.

Ranges of ranks on the real-world problems are shown in Table 5.  GP remains at the same position as in [Majoros 2000], while NET has moved up one position to the top.  Three algorithms that had previously achieved rank 1 at least once now do no better than rank 2 (NC, NCM, KWM).

Algorithm     Range of ranks
NET              1-6
TRE              1-7
FS               1-9
GP               1-10
KN               1-10
BAY              1-11
KNW              1-11
REG              1-13
NCM              2-9
MAH              2-9
DFA              2-9
KWM              2-10
NC               2-12
RND              6-13

Table 5:  Ranges of ranks on real-world problems.
The dashed line highlights the MAJ baseline.

Table 6 gives the observed frequencies of achieving the top rank.  Note that the frequencies do not sum to 1 because of occasional ties for the top rank.  These frequencies are therefore not (in general) additive, so the corresponding frequencies for groups of algorithms must be computed from the original raw scores (see Table 7, below).

Algorithm        Frequency
NET              41%
GP               31%
FS               28%
KN               21%
KNW               3%
BAY               3%
REG               3%
TRE               3%

Table 6:  Frequency with which an algorithm achieved top rank
on real-world problems.

Table 7 gives the probability (i.e., frequency) of achieving top rank on the real-world problem set with various groups of algorithms.  These groups were specifically chosen to maximize performance, so that, for example, no group of size 3 could be found which would have P[#1]>93%.  Thus, achieving top rank with at least 95% confidence would require a suite of at least four algorithms.

group size    P[#1]                group members
    1          41%                           NET
    2          72%                        GP+NET
    3          93%                     FS+GP+NET
    4          97%                 REG+FS+GP+NET
    5         100%             TRE+REG+FS+GP+NET

Table 7:  Number of algorithms required to achieve top rank with the given frequency on
the real-world problem set.  P[#1] is the frequency of achieving top rank.

Table 8 generalizes Table 7 by considering the probability of achieving first or second rank.  As can be seen from the table, placing first or second on the real-world problem set can be assured by employing a suite of only three algorithms.

group size    P[#1 or #2]            group members
    1             69%                          NET
    2             90%                       FS+NET
    3            100%                    GP+FS+NET

Table 8:  Number of algorithms required to achieve first or second rank with the given
frequency on the real-world problem set.  P[#1 or #2] is the frequency of achieving first
or second rank.


Although NET and GP both showed improvement on most problems (NET on 71% of the problems, GP on 84%), these differences were not statistically significant.  That a hundred-fold increase in computing power could not effect a statistically significant change in performance is perhaps surprising.  However, there may be a statistical artifact operating here, because many of the scores in the analysis were already in the 90%+ range, and at least two scores could not be improved because they were already 100%.

Whereas [Majoros 2000] could not extoll a single algorithm as being clearly superior to all others under consideration, neural networks exhibited remarkable performance in the present study, placing first according to several different criteria.  They had the best mean rank (2.24), the best range of ranks (1-6), the best mean accuracy (79%), the highest frequency of top rank (41%), and the highest frequency of ranking first or second (69%).

Nevertheless, backpropagation neural networks still do not qualify as a "silver bullet;"  i.e., as an algorithm which produces the highest score on nearly all problems.  In fact, on the majority of problems (59%), NET was outperformed by other algorithms.

Thus, it is still apparent that one needs to apply more than one classification method to a new problem if one wishes to be highly confident of achieving the highest possible score.  What the present study suggests, however, is that one need only employ a "toolbox" of 4 algorithms (NET,GP,FS,REG) to achieve the highest score with at least 95% confidence, rather than 7 algorithms as suggested previously.  Furthermore, using only NET and FS, it seems one can count on achieving nearly maximal performance with 90% confidence.  Adding GP to this "toolbox" boosts confidence to 100% (at least on the problem suite used in this study).  It therefore seems more reasonable now to suggest that practitioners maintain a toolbox of black-box classifiers for application to novel problems, given that so few classifiers may be needed.

It is interesting to speculate on the significance of linear regression appearing in Table 7.  The accuracy scores of this method have not been overly impressive -- indeed, it is the lowest scoring algorithm other than the baselines MAJ and RND on the real-world problem set (see Figure 4).  Its importance in reaching 95% confidence in achieving top rank may be due to an inductive bias sufficiently different from other methods such as NET and FS so as to accommodate those few problems handled poorly by the more general methods.  That is, feedforward backpropagation neural networks may lack something in their inductive bias relative to selected classification problems that cannot be entirely compensated for by arbitrarily increasing computational effort.

The DFA method has turned out to be rather unremarkable, being positioned as it is near neither extreme of the performance spectrum.  It is noteworthy, however, that FS ranks significantly better than DFA, given their similarities.  Whereas DFA computes a new set of features which maximize (subject to linearity constraints) the F ratio of between-group variance to within-group variance, FS merely sorts the original features according to their F ratios and discards any feature having a low F ratio and not contributing to cross-validation accuracy scores.  This is presumably a testament to the importance of the nonlinear relationships between the original features which are lost through linearization.


Evidence obtained in this study continues to support the notion that in the arena of classification problems, there is no "silver bullet," at least among the algorithms investigated here.  The need for maintaining a diverse arsenal of technologies for application to novel problems has received renewed support, although the required size of such an arsenal may be smaller than previously thought.

Backpropagation neural networks, although not perfectly suited for all problems, have been seen to compete very favorably with other popular algorithms, and can certainly be recommended to practitioners who are compelled to rely on a single tool, so long as their computational resources are not minimal.  Given that the hardware used in this study was purchased for under $5000 US, this should not be a limiting factor for most small businesses, especially given the ongoing advances in microprocessor technology and the attendant price reductions that can be expected to continue for the foreseeable future.


[Majoros 2000]  Bill Majoros, On Free Lunches and Silver Bullets: An Empirical Comparison of Seven Machine-Learning Algorithms for Classification [].

[Manly 1994] Bryan F.J. Manly, Multivariate Statistical Methods, Chapman & Hall, 1994.

[Masters 1995] Timothy Masters, Neural, Novel & Hybrid Algorithms for Time Series Prediction, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.

[Murphy and Aha] P. Murphy and D. Aha, UCI Repository of machine learning databases [].  Irvine, CA:  University of California, Department of Information and Computer Science.

[Zar 1996] Jerrold H. Zar, Biostatistical Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1996.