Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation. you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: he's kinda an ass †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: um...okay? why? you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: he thinks he knows everything †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: bah, well thats a quarter of the worlds population. you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: i wish the world would just blow up †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: BOOM! †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: ...err...I mean...why? you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: because as you well know i hate every one †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: oh...I thought it might be somethin different. †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: you know you should really do something about that whole...hating everyone thing †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: that can't be healthy. you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: living just isn't fun any more †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: yeah but it's more fun than being dead you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: exactly †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: and I think living would be more fun if you didn't hate everyone you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: well if people weren't they way they were then i would hate every one †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: ....well um...don't you think it's kind of weird that you're hating -everyone- is -their- fault...? thats like me being insane and insisting that it's everyone else who's mad you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: think what you want †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: I'm asking what -you're- thinking you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: i don't like people because they are dumb †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: yeah okay never mind you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: well they are †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: of course you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: you wanted to know †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: yeah but I was assuming you'd give me a serious answer you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: ok fine people waste their livesdoing stupid things and blame it on other people than themselves and i'm fed up with all of society's bullshit †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: what makes you think that? †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: do you have some kinda example? you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: yes i do †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: I meant was, will you tell me what that example is. you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: have you heard about the person who decided to kill people in sanfransico †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: umm, no. did you hear about all the people in frisco that -didn't- wanna kill people? you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: I think you're focusing too much on people who suck, and you're forgetting that there are people out there who -don't...suck... †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: ..brb. †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: fuck I hate it here you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: why †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: because I do, lets just leave it at that....I really don't think I need to go off on a rant. you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: alrighty †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: so yeah, did what I said make any sense? you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: no †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: no... you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: yea no †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: so you're still clinging to you're ideas that because a few people are stupid and do stupid things, you should hate everyone you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: a few.... a few have you been watching the news? †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: no, I don't watch the news, cause it's depressing, or it's bull shit, usualy bull shit, and mostly depressing. †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: and so what makes you think that because a guy is killing people in frisco, thats reason to hate everyone else, lets say, the people that you go to school with, or someone you don't even know you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: he blamed it on the sopranos †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: so he's crazy and stupid. whats your point? †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: brb you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: all people are like the people who do shit like that †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: all people are like that †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: all people are murderers who blame it on other shit †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: me, you....shane, malissa, whoever you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: i don't know about Shane yet but yes you, me and malissa are all people like that †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: Okay I'm sorry Tamara, but there is something very, very wrong in that †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: and the fact that you don't see this, means that maybe there might be something wrong with you. †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: thats seriously, not how it is †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: people arent like that Tamara. †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: I don't know why you keep thinkin that, but its not true †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: ...-why- do you keep thinking that †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: I still don't see how, if other people are bad, that automaticaly makes everyone else bad too you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: yes they are chris and it's you that dont see it you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: thats exactly my piont †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: my point is Tamara, that youre the only one who sees this you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: no i am not you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: you cant speek for every one †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: no, but I can speak for everyone I know. †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: and everyone I've met in my life †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: and honestly if everyone thought that, alot of people would have given up you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: no you cant †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: sure I can, cause I know these people, like I know you †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: I know you hate everyone, I'm trying to figure out why. and I know that everyone else I know, understands that just because other people do bad things, doesnt mean everyone else will †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: I mean hell you just said even you're like that. does that mean you hate yourself/ you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: you dont know me †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: I know you well enough. †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: and you just told me so you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: no you dont you use to but not now †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: so regardless of how well I know you, its what you've told me. you must talk so big to make up for smaller things! says: what did i tell you †he Chiller. "I know when I'm gonna die...cause there's an expiration date on my birth certificate." says: that because of the people who do bad things, or make mistakes and whatever. everyone is like that, and that you hate everyone for it