LAST UPDATE: 06/01/2002

Cool neon separator thingie

You've managed to stumble onto my(Stefan Ferreira) website. You'll find some of my work and personal info here. Enjoy.
This site is under perpetual construction. Feel free to bookmark it and check back now and then.

Cool bullet thingie Contact and personal info

Cool bullet thingie Some of my programming work (Including my screensaver)

Cool bullet thingie POV-Ray stuff (3D-graphics)

Cool bullet thingie Gallery

Cool bullet thingie Pics of Solar eclipse '99
Cool bullet thingie Microscope photos

Cool bullet thingie News - changes to this site
Cool bullet thingie Legal info
Cool bullet thingie Links & credits (click here to find out about some of the programs I use)

Cool bullet thingie My Guestmap.
Cool bullet thingie Sign Guestbook
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Cool neon separator thingie
Copyright © 1999-2002 Stefan Ferreira, All rights reserved.