/*Glasses .inc file by Stefan Ferreira, http://www.geocities.com/dragonhawk777/, These glasses were made with SpilinEditor. The brandy baloon is and exact copy of a real one. You may use this file freely, as long as you put my name in the credits of whatever you make. Enjoy... */ #declare Brandy_baloon = lathe { cubic_spline 24, <-1.00,00.83>, <00.00,00.83>, <00.56,00.76>, <01.30,00.60>, <02.30,00.33>, <02.80,00.16>, <03.06,00.00>, <03.06,00.30>, <01.43,00.80>, <00.63,02.00>, <00.96,03.13>, <02.20,03.63>, <03.43,04.50>, <03.90,06.50>, <02.83,10.46>, <02.63,11.13>, <02.53,11.10>, <02.70,10.46>, <03.70,06.50>, <03.16,04.60>, <02.00,03.93>, <00.90,03.80>, <00.00,03.80>, <-1.00,03.80> } #declare Wine_glass1 = lathe { cubic_spline 17, <0.00000,02.01000>, <0.00000,02.01000>, <0.18000,01.92000>, <0.48000,01.62000>, <0.66000,01.08000>, <0.75000,00.09000>, <0.78000,00.09000>, <0.72000,01.08000>, <0.48000,01.80000>, <0.24000,02.28000>, <0.15000,02.79000>, <0.24000,03.36000>, <0.84000,03.51000>, <0.84000,03.57000>, <0.27000,03.54000>, <0.00000,03.57000>, <0.00000,03.57000> rotate 180*z }