Above is a banner I produced for my webpage. I've looked around alot on the internet since I've been connected and I've noticed that many of the good websites have their own banners, so I decided to make one for my page.
Here's the deal - If any of you fellow webpage builders want to make a banner exchange with me I'd be happy to exchange. I don't care what the content of your webpage is! If you don't have a banner then thats alright, you can still take my banner and use it to link your page to mine but if you have one I'd like to have it. If you want to exchange banners then please e-mail me your banner and what page you want your banner to link to. If you do not have a banner but you are going to use my banner to link your page to mine, please e-mail me to notify me.
Mac users click on the mouse button and hold it until the menu comes up and scroll down to "Save image as.." and save it. Upload it to your webpage and use my banner to link to my webpage - http://geocities.datacellar.net/soviet109/
Simply right click (Windows users) on the mouse and go to "Save image as.." and save my banner. Put it up on your webpage and use it to link to this page - http://geocities.datacellar.net/soviet109/