
"The first deep and scientific study of darts. For the first time all the finishes of 01-games have been optimised with a computer from every point of the game five turns ahead."

Kari Kaitanen 1996


  • Darts - Preface
  • The Dart Book - Abstract
  • Different levels of players
  • The exact dispersions of darts
  • Theory
  • Finding finishes with the computer
  • Opponent's situation
  • Searching for the optimal play in 501
  • How to read the table of optimised play
  • The table of optimised play with the first dart

  • Throwing Distance (Picture)
  • Mawari - hopefully soon. (Remind me please...)


    "Desperate men need desperate methods...?"

    As there has been a LOT of visitors in this site lately - warm thanks to you all !!! - (unfortunately it has also become one of the most famous in our research centre) I have received a LOT of email finding out where could they get The Dart Book. Thank you very much for asking. Unfortinately we haven't been able to send much - or almost any - copies yet, even less over-sees.

    Therefore I would be happy to give the rights for publishing a new (and even better) version of The Dart Book in your country - only finding the names and addresses to some respectable publishers/agents/representatives is quite (=very) hard from here, Finland. So, if you would be kind enough to just send some/any information of some publisher or agent in your country - only the right name and address will be worth $1000 for you - if it turns up to be the one printing our books in the future... and if you even would like to do some talking/mailing to someone ... now, that would be already too much ...

    And why not become a darts writer yourself...

    It would be nice to have a companionship in this lonely work. Why not become a darts writer? The local view to this game - like for example a comprehensive list or study of your local darts-pubs - would be very interesting. Or maybe you have some rules of darts of your own... Let us build a perfect darts book for you and your friends together.

    Thanks for listening. Please enjoy the site.

    Updated 03.12.1996 by kari.kaitanen@vtt.fi