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     Rev.       01-15-2004
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Scientist,  Modern Day Alchemist, Gem Cutter, Collector,  Electronics Tinker, And Now Working on the
"Joe Cell", Keller Catlist, and ORME Gold.
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Triactlaser System
        NEWS STUFF
FLASH  Merlin has done it again, at the Science Group Meeting on  Friday 03-05-1999.  Opened up the
question, ' Is transmutation possible ?    Well, Merlin thinks so,  as he has transmutated Carbon in to
Iron  (or some thing ) ..  This simple transmutation is for the nonbelievers and any one that has common sense in electronic and welding Systems.   All ones needs are two search light carbon
rods,  some carbon powder,  hi temp clay crucible,  1200-1750 watt heater,  Wire,  magnet,  hi-temp
welders gloves,  welders mask with  # 12 shade..   Hook the rods in series  with the heater and  ZAP
the carbon in the  crucible till the powder turns white hot and small balls are seen.  Let the mix cool
and dump the powder onto a paper, move the magnet under, watch the powder move.   Could this be
Iron???    ALWAYS use care  DON'T look without the mask, and DO NOT touch the 110 volt wires
without DRY insulated welding gloves.   
Transmutation  Setup
Philosophers Stone
   see next page
Dilithium Crystal or      Lithium Glass ???
Transmutation  Setup
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