--A Place to Relax--
(click on the title above to get the explanation for the title)
The Internet has many
corners. You have just discovered one
of them. My name is Niel Slaughter, and I want you to relax and
enjoy my site.
I was recently a student at North
Carolina State University in Raleigh NC, USA. I majored in
Computer Engineering, and I graduated in May 2001!!! I am no longer
involved in any student organizations due to time constraints, however
a really cool group is APO National Service
I currently live in Austin, Texas where I have a full time job and a
part time life. I strive to be worldly in all that I do.
You may view my entire biography
if you wish, although it is a little out of date.
My resume is online, however I have
obtained employment for the time being.
I would like everyone to check out my myspace page! It has a
lot more interesting info than this old page has.
I bought a house in 2004.
. You can see the MLS pictures here
; the furnishings are from the previous owner. I am working on getting
some pictures of my own made. The place is pretty bare right now!
Click here
to see a picture of me just before water skiing.
I am a lover of quotes. Some of the best and most inspiring (and funny)
quotes are posted on my quotes page.
at least in 1998...)
- CNET ONLINE - The best
magazine page on the net! Cool stories, tips, and suggestions. Plus,
they have one of the largest shareware libraries on the internet (
Click here
for a search). Check it out! (it may be just download.com now...)
- News from cnn.com )
- Yellow Pages Online!
(Plus white pages now, very useful)
- Yellow Pages for Texas
- Peek at women from the privacy of your own home! Its hotORnot.com!
- Find your friends at Universities across the state!
- Search for sex, drugs, and money.
- Find out when that new movie comes out on video at
the internet movie database
- Go to the best place for Windows 95/98 Themes, Drivers, Games
and Shareware: winfiles.com!
- Find out how much your car is worth! Check out Kelley Blue Book
- Check out construction before it slows you down!
Construction Info
- Visit the place where true beauty shines through: Beautiful Women
Hope you enjoyed your visit to my page. You can visit my fun page if you would like.
Questions, Comments, Suggestions, or Criticisms? Please e-mail me!
Last Modified February 11, 2008