*1) Ci_tie = Lernu HAM_Esperanton.*
*2) Granda heyto sur 9-11.*>
*3) Nova Monda Ordo = NWO.*
*4) Universa Fluganta Objekto = UFO.*
*5) Malsano el Chemtrail^.*
*6) HAM^ Radio.*

*7) E-mailo por HAM_Eo.*

The New World Order is about to eat YOU. -- UNZ'IGU kaw BATALU en 2010.
A.R.E.  =  Amatura Radio_Esperanto = HAM_Eo
Africa (Bulgaria) Gencho_Tzokanov* gtzoknov at yahoo com Europe (Germany) Ursula_Gagelmann* ugagelmn at yahoo com Asia (Pakistan) Ali_Samad* russia at hotsheet com Australia(Indonesia) Yuku_Aku* yuku at ikitek com S_America(Columbia) Gonzalo_Ochoa* gonzalo2 at juno com N_America (USA) Mark_MacDonald* oneflplx at msn com President George_Brooks* xgeorge at juno com Globa Lingvo = HAM_Esperanto ENGLISH -=-=-=- -=-=-=- Subjekto: La Karto de la Mastro. Subject: The Master's Card. Ci_tio estas malsama "karto." This is a different "card." Mi pensas ke vi shatos ci_tia karton. I think that you will like this card. Ekzistas ia ajo+ ke mono ne povas There are some things money can't acheti; por cio alie, buy; for everything else, ekzistas la Karto_de_la_Mastro. there is the Master's Card. Mi estas certa ke vi tuta ricevas I am sure that you all receive multa aplikajon+ en la posto. many applications in the mail. Tamene, mi estas ci_tie anonci malsama However, I am here to advertise a karton. different card. Tial, mia vivo estas produkto Because, my life is a product por alia persono+ vidi. for others to see. Mi estas kart'portanta reprezent'ulo I'm a card carrying representative por "la Karto_de_la_Mastro". for The Master's Card. Tio estas prava, la KARTO_de_la_MASTRO. That is right, The MASTER'S CARD. Permesu min diri vi pir ji. Let me tell you about it. Ekzistas ne financa kosto, kaw There is no finance charge, and no pagajo ne estas necesa. payment due. Mia mon'bileto estas yame kovrata; My bill is already covered; ji estas ant'paga negoco. it is a pre-pay deal. Mi ne povis el'spezi la prezon, tiel I could not afford the price, so Christ* venis kaw pagis jin por mi. Christ stepped in and payed it for me. Mia Nomo estas skribata sur la Karto My Name is written on the card for por cii vidi. Ji estas uzebla dum 24 all to see. It is accessable 24 hours horo+ per tago, tut'monde. a day from anywhere in the world. La KARTO_de_la_MASTRO havas tiel multa The MASTER'S CARD has so many benefits profitajon+ ke ji estas malfacila that it is difficult to list all of listigi tuto de zi. them. Permesu min diri zin al vi... Let me share some of them with you... Vi povus deziri aplikajon por persona You might want to apply for a personal karto por mem_vi ? card yourself. Juste komenci, ekzistas SEN'LIMA Just to start there is UNLIMITED GRAC'ECO. Tio estas prava, ne ekzistas GRACE. That is right, there is no ia limo al la kvanto existing limit to the amount de Grac'eco ke vi ricevos el of grace you receive from la KARTO_de_la_MASTRO. The MASTER'S CARD. Ku: vi rigardis amon en tuto de la Have you been looking for love in all malprava loko+? the wrong places? Tiam, ne rigardu ple-distante ol Then, look no farther than la KARTO_de_la_MASTRO. The MASTER'S CARD. Ji proponas la pley-granda rapidecon It offers the greatest rate on sur amo ke ciam estis proponata. love that has ever been offered. La KARTO_de_la_MASTRO donas al vi The MASTER'S CARD gives you access uzajon+ al multa Ano_sola profitajo+. to many "members only" benefits. Ku: vi deziras reala joyon spite_de Want real joy despite the la malfacilo+ de vivo? difficulties of life? Apliku por la KARTO_de_la_MASTRO. Apply for The MASTER'S CARD. Ku: vi deziras sen'cesa pacon? Want continued peace? Apliku por la KARTO_de_la_MASTRO. Apply for The MASTER'S CARD. Ku: vi rigardas ion ke vi povas ciam Looking for something you can always fidi dum problemo+ ? rely on in a jam? La KARTO_de_la_MASTRO estas perfekta The MASTER'S CARD is perfect for you. por vi. Alia granda ideo pir la KARTO_de Another great thing about The la_MASTRO estas ke ji neniam MASTER'S CARD is that it never fin'ijos kaw ji neniam halt'ijos. expires and will never be canceled. Unzfoye vi estas Ano, vi estas ano Once you are a member, you are a member por vivo, (eterna vivo). for life, eternal life, that is. An'eco havas jia privilegion+. Membership has its privilege, you know. Tiel, kial vi ne aplikas hodawe? So, why not apply today? Ji estas sole prejo distante..... It is only a prayer away..... _ _ |_|_| _____ |_|_| ____ |*_*_*| .______ _\__\___/ __ \____|_|_ _______ |____ |=| \ <_+> / |=| ____ \ | |\|=|======\\______//======|=|/| |~ |_ | \ | | / | | \==-| \ | 3D | / |----|~~/ | | | | | | |____/~/ | | \____\____/____/ / / / grand'Avo = 100 | | {----------} /____/ / |___| /~~~~~~~~~~~~\ |_/~|_|/ AVO = 10000 \_/ |/~~~~~||~~~~~\| /__|\ | | | |||| | (/|| \) P A T R O = 1000000 | | / | | \ \\ |_| | | | | ULC |_____| |_____| @@ (_____) (_____) ULC @@ @ULC | | | | @@ @ULC@ @@ @@ = 10**8 | | | | @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ |/~~~\| |/~~~\| @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ /|___|\ /|___|\ ULC@ ULC @@ ULC@ <_______><_______>

Use Amateur Radio Esperanto, now. Uzu Amatura Radio_Esperanton, nune.

GET Part-1: E1_Eo 30-Minute Movie, Comic-Book, 8_Book Library *UNZIP, and click .exe file to Run*

GET Part-2: E2_Eo Interstellar Adventure, Flash-Cards, 9_Book Library *UNZIP, and click .exe file to Run*

GET Part-3: E3_Eo Automatic MLM, Auto-translate tools, 8_Book Library *UNZIP, and click .exe file to Run*


____________________________________________________________________________ |Weight/Pezo____ Pulse/Pulso____ Blood!Sango____ Chol%Graso____ WEEK #1_ | |============================================================================| |__DAY_______Tago-1M___Tago-2T___Tago-3W___Tago-4T___Tago-5F__Tago-6S__Tago-7| |NUTRITION | | | | | | | | | Nutrajo | | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |EXERCISE | | | | | | | | | Ekzerco | | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |STRESS | | | | | | | | |Mensa Helpo | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |EMOTIONS | | | | | | | | | Emocio | | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |IMMUNITY | | | | | | | | |Imun'eco | | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |Self_Notes | |Mem_Noto+ | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ |Weight/Pezo____ Pulse/Pulso____ Blood!Sango____ Chol%Graso____ WEEK #2_ | |============================================================================| |__DAY_______Tago-1M___Tago-2T___Tago-3W___Tago-4T___Tago-5F__Tago-6S__Tago-7| |NUTRITION | | | | | | | | | Nutrajo | | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |EXERCISE | | | | | | | | | Ekzerco | | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |STRESS | | | | | | | | |Mensa Helpo | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |EMOTIONS | | | | | | | | | Emocio | | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |IMMUNITY | | | | | | | | |Imun'eco | | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |Self_Notes | |Mem_Noto+ | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ |Weight/Pezo____ Pulse/Pulso____ Blood!Sango____ Chol%Graso____ WEEK #3_ | |============================================================================| |__DAY_______Tago-1M___Tago-2T___Tago-3W___Tago-4T___Tago-5F__Tago-6S__Tago-7| |NUTRITION | | | | | | | | | Nutrajo | | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |EXERCISE | | | | | | | | | Ekzerco | | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |STRESS | | | | | | | | |Mensa Helpo | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |EMOTIONS | | | | | | | | | Emocio | | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |IMMUNITY | | | | | | | | |Imun'eco | | | | | | | | |__________|_________|_________|_________|_________|________|________|_______| |Self_Notes | |Mem_Noto+ | |____________________________________________________________________________|

Use HAM_Esperanto, now. (HAM_Eo) Uzu Amatura Radio_Esperanton, nune.

GET Part-1: E1_Eo 30-Minute Movie, Comic-Book, 8_Book Library *UNZIP, and click .exe file to Run*

GET Part-2: E2_Eo Interstellar Adventure, Flash-Cards, 9_Book Library *UNZIP, and click .exe file to Run*

GET Part-3: E3_Eo Automatic MLM, Auto-translate tools, 8_Book Library *UNZIP, and click .exe file to Run*

HAM_Eo (or ILO) uses 24 characters: A--Z but without Q and X. Plural = + `+' pronounced like Z, `i' pronounced like E, and `e' pronounced like EH. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Zi sen politika forto ne povas helpi liberon

They without political power can not help freedom.

Dia homo+ kaw teknolojia prejeyo+ kreos bona Guvern'ularon tut'monde.

Godly men and technology churches will create good Government, worldwide. Mi = Me Kio = what Vi = You Kii = who/which Li = He Kie = where Si = She Kia = what_kind Ji = it Kiam = when Ni = We Kiel = how Zi = They Kial = why Oi = some One Ku: = Question: Aduon = good-bye hirawe = yesterday atenton = attention hodawe = today bonvenon = welcome morgawe = tomorrow dankon = thank-you dekstre = to right prejon = please proksime= near Saluton = hello supre = up Ku = ? norde = northward sed = but sude = southward kaw = and oriente = eastward aw = or vezde = westward bela = beautiful deziras = want bona = good dormas = sleep felica = happy estas = is, be forta = strong haltas = stop grava = important havas = have nova = new iras = go vera = true laboras = work varma = warm manjas = eat sana = healthy parolas = speak mal* = opposite pensas = think alia = other vidas = see akvo = water al = to, ant = before amiko = friend cir = around, ce = at besto = animal de = of, dum = during/while Dio = God sur = on, eks = out domo = house sup = above, el = from fayro = fire for = off, int = between familio = family en = in, jis = until homo = man per = by, kun = with loko = location por = for, pos = after nomo = name sub = below, sen = without mondo = world tru = through, pir = about tempo = time -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Limited 300 words of HAM_Esperanto. -NOUNS VERBS /Pronoun ADJECTIVES/Prep ADVERBS/Special aero = air akvo = water detruas = destroy bela =beautiful hirawe =yesterday amiko = friend devas = must bona = good hodawe = today atomo = atom deziras = want felica = happy morgawe= tomorrow arbo = tree dormas = sleep forta = strong -procento =percent areo = area ekzistas= exist granda = big dekstre = right banko = banko estas = is, be grava= important proksime= near bastono = stick faras/igi=do,make inteligenta= .. supre = up besto = animal haltas = stop libera = free ankawe = also bildo = picture havas = have matura = mature tial = because bulo = ball ijas = become norma = normal ci'tie = here demando = question iras = go nova = new denove = again Dio = God komprenas=undrstand rapida = rapid KE = that_Clause dokumento=document kontrolas= control richa = rich nune = now domo = house kreas = create sama = same OL = than energio = energy laboras = work sana = healthy ple = more fayro = fire manjas = eat simpla = simple pley = most familio = family mortas = die vera = true sole = only flanko = side okazas = happen varma = warm tamene =still,yet formo = shape parolas = speak blanka= white tre = very guvernistaro=gov pensas = think nigra = black tute = totaly helpo = help povas = can ora = gold aw = or homo = human ricevas = receive blua = blue yes = yes hotelo = hotel sendas = send ruja = red kaw = and informacio= info uzas = use verda = green ne = no yaro = year vidas = see -luma = light se = if justeco = justice vivas = live alia = other sed = but kapo = head MAL = opposite Ku = ? korpo = body mi = I al = to adawon = good-bye lerneyo = school vi = you ant = before atenton= attention loko = location li = he cir = around bonekziston=welcome magazeno= store si = she ce = at dankon = thanks mashino = machine ji = it de = of pardonon= pardon materio = matter ni = we dum = during prejon = please meblo = furniture zi= they el = from saluton= hello medicino= medicine mem= self en/eks= in/out ajo = thing mezuro = size -0 = nulz sur/for= on/off ano = member milito = war 1 = unuz jis = until aro = group mondo = world 2 = duz int = between ebla = able to mono = money 3 = triz kun = with eco = quality muro = wall 4 = kvaz per = by ega = big nacio = nation 5 = kviz por = for eyo = place nomo = name 6 = sez pos = after ero = piece numero = number 7 = sepz pir = about eta = small nutrajo = food 8 = okz sen = without ido = offspring paco = peace 9 = nawz sub = below ilo = tool paradizo= heaven 10 = dekz sup = above ina = female patro = father 100 = hekz .anto = .ing ulo = person plano = plan 1000 = kilz .ata = .ed uyo =container polico = police why = Kial, tial prejeyo = church when = Kiam, tiam, ciam, neniam, iam problemo= problem where= Kie, tie, cie, nenie, ie rayto = a_right how = Kiel, tiel, ciel, neniel, iel rego = rule what = Kio, tio, cio, nenio, io religio = religion who = Kii, tii, cii, nenii, ii respondo= answer ?kind= Kia, tia, cia, nenia, ia scienco = science (QUESTION....ANSWER...EVERY....NO......ANY ) sekso = sex sekundo = second sporto = sport tago = day vesto = cloths sistemo = system stelo = star tempo = time vetero =weather socio = society sterko = shit tero = earth voyo = path,way sono = sound sukceso= success timo = fear vorto = word spaco = space shanco = luck urbo = city -nordo = north spirito = spirit snuro = rope valoro = value -oriento = east Use of the 360-words of HAM_Esperanto in Natural Language Processing NLP to create Artificial Intelligent Computers in the 21st Century: all Nowns end in O -(adding + for plurals, same as Y), all Pronouns are 2-letters and end in I, all Adjectives end in A, all non-infinitive Verbs end in S -(past=IS, present=AS, future=OS), all Adverbs end in E.

           ENGLISH         ------*****------     HAM_ESPERANTO

      Mother Shipton - 1520                  Patrina Shipton* - 1520

 We know that mankind has a "common       Ni scias ke homaro havas  komuna
future" on Spaceship Earth. There may   morgawo sur Spaco_shipo Earth#.  Ebla 
come a: nuclear WW3, a comet impact     povus veni: Atoma WW3^, kunfrato el
from Space, or massive flooding Earth   Spaco, aw grandega diluvo el Earth#
Changes. Should we not have an easy     Shanjo+.  Ku: ni ne havus facila
global 2nd language on the Internet     globa 2a lingvo sur la Internet^,
with which 6-billion people and AI      kun kii  6 biliona persono+  kaw AI^
computers can communicate in common?    komputilo+ povas komunikati komune?
HAM_Eo = ILO, is grammar-coded          HAM_Eo estas gramaro-kodata,
and can be learned in weeks.            kaw povas lern'iji  en semayno+.

 Like Nostradamus, Mother Shipton,        Kiel Nostradamus*, Patrina Shipton*,
1488-1561, had visions of our future.   1488-1561, havis Vidon+  de morgawo.
These rare verses from Mother Shipton   Ci_tia versajo+ de patrina Shipton*
seem to have "prophetic indications"    shaynas havi  "profeteca indikajon+"
for our times:                          por nia tempo+:


And now a word, in uncouth rhyme        Kaw nune vorto, en stranga rimo
Of what shall be in future time,        De kio estos en morgawa tempo,
A carriage without horse will go        Vagono iros  sen chevalo
Disaster fill the world with woe.       Detruajo plenos la Mondon kun mizero.
In London, Primrose Hill shall be       En London~, ce Primrose_Hill~ estos
In centre hold a Bishop's See           En la centro teni Loko de Episkipo. 

Around the world men's thoughts fly     Cir la mondo flugos homa penso+
Quick as the twinkling of an eye.       Rapida kiel la movanto de okulo.
And water shall great wonders do        Kaw akvo faros granda mirindon+,
How strange. Yet it shall come true.    Kiel stranga.  Tamene ji ijos vera.

Through high hill proud men shall ride  Tru alta monteto+, fiera homo+ raydos
No horse or ass move by his side.       Ne chevalo aw azeno ce lia flanko.
Beneath the water, men shall walk       Sub la akvo, homo+ promenos,
Shall ride, sleep, shall even talk.     Raydos, dormos, ech parolos.
And in the air men shall be seen        Kaw en la aero, homo+ estos vidata
In white and black and even green       En blanka kaw nigra, kaw ech verda.

In water, iron, then shall float        En akvo, fero tiam najos
As easy as a wooden boat.               Kiel facila tiel ligna boato.
Gold shall be seen in stream and stone  Oro estos vidata en rivero kaw shtono
In land that is yet unknown.            En lando ke estas tamene malsciata.

For in those wonderous far off days     Por en tia mirinda distanca tago+ 
The women shall adopt a craze           La virino+  komencos manieron,
To dress like men, and trousers wear    Vesti kiel homo+, kaw pantalono porti
And to cut off their locks of hair.     Kaw  for'tranchos zia longa haron.

And roaring monsters with man atop      Kaw blekeganta monstro+ kun homo supre
Does seem to eat the verdant crop.      Ji shaynas manji la verda rikolton.
And men shall fly as birds do now       Kaw homo+ flugos kiel birdo+ faras nune
And give away the horse and plough.     Kaw for'lasos la chevalon kaw plugilon.

There'll be a sign for all to see       Ekzistas signo por cii vidi
Be sure that it will certain be.        Estu certa ke ji vere estos.
Then love shall die and marriage cease  Tiam amo mortos kaw edzeco haltos
And nations wane as babes decrease.     Kaw nacio+ etijos kiel ido+ malpliijos 
And wives shall fondle cats and dogs    Kaw edzino+ amos katon+ kaw hundon+
And men live much the same as hogs.     Kaw homo+ lojos la samon kiel porko+.

In nineteen hundred and twenty six       En dekz-nawz kaw duz_dekz-sesz, 1926
Build houses light not stone and sticks. Konstruos eta domon+ ne shtono aw ligno
For then shall mighty wars be planned    Por tiam granda milito+ estos planata
And fire and sword shall sweep the land. Kaw fayro kaw  glavo doloros la landon.

Pictures seem alive with movements free  Bildo+ sentos viva kun libera movado+
Boats like fishes swim beneath the sea,  Boato+ kiel fisho+, najos sub la maro,
When men like birds shall scour the sky  Kiam homo+ kiel birdo+ flugos la chielon
Half world, drenched in blood shall die. 1/2 mondo mortos, kovrata en sango.

For those who live the century through   Por zi  kii vivos al la centyara fino
In fear and trembling this shall do.     En timo kaw tremo, zi faros ci_tio:
Flee to the mountains and the dens       Zi kuros al la monto+ kaw la kavo+,
To bog and forest and wild fens.         Al monteto kaw arbaro kaw sovaja loko+

The signs will be there for all to read  La signo+ ekzistos por cii readi
When man shall do most heinous deed.     Kiam viro faros tre malbona faron.
Man will ruin kinder lives               Homo ruinigos ple-bonkora vivon+
By taking others as to their wives.      Per prenanta alio+ kiel esti edzino+.

And murder foul and brutal deed         Kaw malvirta murdo kaw perforta faro
When man will only think of greed.      Kiam homo+ sole pensos de avido.
And man shall walk as if asleep         Kaw homo promenos kiel se dormema
He does not look - he may not peep      Li ne regardas - li ne videtas.
And iron men that fight shall do        Kaw homo+ de fero ke batalas, laboros
And iron cart and carriage too.         Kun fera sharjilo kaw ankawe vagono.

The kings shall false promise make      La rejo+ faros malvera promeson+
And talk just for talkings sake.        Kaw parolos juste pro paroli.
And nations plan horrific war           Kaw nacio+ planos terura militon
The like as never seen before.          La speco kiel neniam vidis ant.
And taxes rise and living down          Kaw imposto+ sup  kaw vivo sub
And nations wear perpetual frown.       Kaw nacio+ donos eterna bush'sulkon. 

Yet greater sign there be to see        Sed ple-granda signo+ ekzistas vidi
As man nears latter century             Kiel homaro atingas fina centyaron.
Three sleeping mountains gather breath  Triz dormanta monto+  ijos aktiva
And spew out mud, and ice and death.   Kaw jetos koton, kaw glacion kaw morton.
And earthquakes swallow town and town,  Kaw ter-tremo+ manjos urbon pos urbo
In lands as yet to me unknown.          En lando+ nune  ne'sciata al mi.

And moslem-one fights christian-two     Kaw Islamo_1 batalos Kristano_2
And nations sigh, yet nothing do        Kaw nacio+ ekjemas, kaw faras nenion.
And yellow men great power gain         Kaw flava homo+ gajos grandega povon
From mighty bear with who they've lain. El forta "urso" kun kii  zi kushigis.

These mighty tyrants will fail to do    Tia fortega tirano+ malsukcesos fari
They fail to split the world in two.    Zi malsukcesos dividi la mondon.
But from their acts a danger bred       Sed el zia agado+, danjero komencos
An ague - leaving many dead.            Venenon - kawzos multa homon+ morti.
And physics find no remedy              Kaw Fizik_Scienco ne trovos rimedon
For this is worse than leprosy.       Tial ci_tio estas ple-malbona ol malsano

Then storms will rage and oceans roar   Tiam ventego+ furiozos kaw maro+ mujos
When Gabriel stands on sea and shore  Kiam Gabriel* staras sur maro & marbordo 
And as he blows his wondrous horn       Kaw kiel li blovas lia mirinda kornon,
Old worlds die, and new be born.      Malnova mondo+ mortos, kaw novo naskijos

A fiery dragon will cross the sky       Fayra Drako trans'iros la chielon
Six times before this earth shall die.  Seszfoye antawe ci_tia Tero mortos.
Mankind will tremble and frightened be  Homaro tremos kaw timos
for the sixth heralds in this prophecy. Por la 6a kadro+ en ci_tia profeteco+

For seven days and seven nights         Por 7 tago+ kaw 7 nokto+
Man will watch this awesome sight.      Homo regardos ci_tia sovaja vidajon.
The tides will rise beyond their ken    La taydo+ levos preter zia nivelo
To bite away the shores and then        Detrui la marbordon+  kaw tiam,
The mountains will begin to roar        La monto+  komencos muji
And earthquakes split the land to shore. Kaw tero-tremo+ splitos la landon.

And flooding waters, rushing in         Kaw diluvo_akvo+, kureganta interne,
Will flood the lands with such a din    Diluvigos la landon+ kun tiel bruego
That mankind cowers in muddy fen        Ke homaro timas en miksajo de koto,
And snarls about his fellow men.        Kaw boyas kontrawe lia kunula homo+.

He bares his teeth, fights and kills  Li montras lia denton+ batalas, mortigas
And secrets food in secret hills       Kaw kasha nutrajo en sekreta monteto+.
And ugly in his fear, he lies          Kaw malbela en lia timo, li atendas
To kill marauders, thieves and spies. Morti atakulon+, shtelulon+ kaw spionon+

Man flees in terror from the floods    Homo kuras en teruro el la diluvo+, kaw
And kills, and rapes and lies in blood Mortigas, seks_atakas,& kushas en sango.
And spilling blood by mankinds hands   Kaw disvershi sango per homara mano+
Will stain and bitter many lands.      Makulos kaw maldolch'igos multa landon+.

And when the dragon's tail is gone,     Kaw kiam la Draka Vosto estas irata,
Man forgets, and smiles, and carries-on  Homo forgesas, ridetas, kaw dawras,
To apply himself - too late, too late   Apliki mem_li: tre malfrua, tre malfrua
For mankind has earned deserved fate.   Por homaro gaynis lia merita destinon.

His masked smile - his false grandeur,  Lia maskata rideto - malvera majesteco
Will serve the Gods their anger stir.   Servos la Dion+ kawzi zia kolero.
And they will send the Dragon back      Kaw zi sendos la Drakon reveni -
To light the sky - his tail will crack  Lumi la chielo - lia vosto tondros
Upon the earth and rend the earth       Sur la tero kaw detruos la Earth~,
And man shall flee, King, Lord, & serf. Kaw homo kuros: Rejo, Nobelo,& servulo

But slowly they are routed out          Sed malrapide zi estas dev'ijata
To seek diminishing water spout.        Serchi malgrandija akva-ventego.
And men will die of thirst before       Kaw homo+ mortos el soifo antawe
The oceans rise to mount the shore.     La maro+ levas koveri la marbordon.

And lands will crack and rend anew      Kaw lando+ sekijos kaw detruos denove
You think it strange.It will come true. Vi pensas ke ji stranga. Ji ijos vera.

And in some far off distant land,       Kaw en ia malapuda distanca lando,
Some men - oh such a tiny band          Kelka homo+ - yes, kiel eta grupo 
Will have to leave their solid mount    Zi devos lasi zia solida lokon
And span the earth, those few to count, Kaw voyajas la teron, tia eta kvanto,
Who survives this (unreadable) and then Kii rifujas el la inferno kaw tiam
Begin the human race again.             Komencios la homaron denove.

But not on land already there           Sed ne sur lando ke yam ekzistas,
But on ocean beds, stark, dry and bare  Sed sur maro_lito+: seka kaw nuda.
Not every soul on Earth will die        Ne cia homo sur Tero  mortos
As the Dragons tail goes sweeping by.   Kiel la vosto de la Drako iros preter.

Not every land on earth will sink       Ne cia lando sur Tero mallevijos, sed
But these will wallow in stench & stink ci_tio plenijos en odoro kaw odor'acho
Of rotting bodies of beast and man      De putra korpo+  de besto+ kaw homo+,
Of vegetation crisped on land.          De vegetajo  ke brulis sur lando.

But the land that rises from the sea    Sed la lando ke levijos el la maro
Will be dry and clean and soft and free Estos seka, pura, malmola kaw libera;
Of mankinds dirt and therefore be       De koto de homaro, kaw tamene estos
The source of man's new dynasty.        La origono de homara nova imperio.

And those that live will ever fear      Kaw zi ke vivos  ciam timos
The dragons tail for many year,         La voston de la Drako por multa yaro+,
But time erases memory                  Sed tempo for'fratas memorion
You think it strange. But it will be.   Vi pensas ke ji stranga. Sed ji okazos.

And before the race is built anew       Kaw ant la homaro konstruas denove 
A silver serpent comes to view          Arjenta serpento venos en vido,
And spew out men of like unknown        Kaw resendos homon+ de speco mal'scia
To mingle with the earth now grown      Agi kun la Tero, nune ijas malvarma el
Cold from its heat and these men can    Jia varmeco, kaw tia homo+ povas
Enlighten the minds of future man.      Instrui la menson+  de estonta homo.

To intermingle and show them how        Int'labori  kaw montri zin  kiel
To live and love and thus endow         Vivi kaw ami, and tiel inkluziji
The children with the second sight.     La infanon+  kun la 2a vidajo.
A natural thing so that they might       Natura ajo  tial ke zi povos kreski
Grow graceful, humble and when they do  Gracia, humila, kaw  kiam tio okazos,
The Golden Age will start anew.         Tiam la "Ora Epoko" komencos denove.

The dragons tail is but a sign          La vosto de la Drako estas sed signo
For mankinds fall and man's decline.    Por falo kaw malboneco de homaro.
And as you read this prophecy,          Kaw kiel vi readas ci_tia profetecon,
You think I utter blasphemy?            Vi pensas ke mi diras blasfemon ?
You're wrong. These things come to me   Vi estas malprava. La ajo+ venis al mi
And this prophecy will come to be.      Kaw  ci_tia  profeteco  okazos.