Welcome, web wonderers!

I'm actually starting to make this thing!

Aight, here's the deal. This page is all about aliens, UFO's, conspiracies, the unexplained and general Sci-Fi, as well as Fantasy. Look below for what's in each section.

Visit some of my friends pages:

To go to KwelDudes' web page, cdWorld, click heer!

To enter the Abstract Game Village, with over 170 cheats and always growing, click heer!

Visit my good friend Laurel's web page by clicking heer!

Countdown to the End of the Millenium!

Number of minutes until the year 2000:

Number of hours until the year 2000:

Number of days until the year 2000:

Number of weeks until the year 2000:

Pu-leeese! Treat yourself to a decent broswer!